| 20 August 2012 (USA)
Hooligan Trailers

Aiming to be an in-depth study of hooliganism (both in act and in what it is to be one), director Donal MacIntyre, a former undercover journalist who was once under assignment as a hooligan himself, asks why hooliganism came to be and also why, of all sports, it’s so closely associated with football (http://moviefarm.co.uk).

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
frubr77 This documentary is a waste of your time. You can hardly call it at documentary. It is more a propaganda movie that condones hooliganism rather than distance itself from it.Sean Beans narrating does not change that impression. He makes hooliganism sound cool and honors its leaders with his words and tone of voice.It seems like Donal McIntyre is trying to makes amends with the 2 hooligan leaders that he helped to put in jail by making this film. Hope it helps and his family now is left alone, because then the film has had some purpose
unclepete This could have been something great, but it seems that it couldn't quite decide what it wants to be. The interviewees seem to be largely members of firms who don't really offer much insight into the complex story of football violence.It seems to lack real journalistic qualities that prevent it being taken seriously as a documentary. The worst part of all though is the horrible script for Sean Bean's narration. It tries at times for both wit and insight but ends up largely playing out like a bad episode of You've Been Framed.It's worth a watch if you like seeing very rough footage of stadium violence but it's ultimately pretty hard to recommend.
soapdodgerz this film is the best football hooligan film ever.the people who ;star; in it are really great people to look up to.donal macyntyre has really brought the issue of football violence into focus and can in no way be considered to condone such acts.by showing us clip after clip of people getting ther heads kicked in ,he has highlighted the brutal effects of violence.and in no way does this glorify these hard men .in fact this film will be studied academically in future so as to persuade people that gangs of men kicking each other in the head will never happen again. donal we salute you.i look forward to more enlightened filmaking from you what the world needs now is more and more clips of people getting there heads kicked in.