| 10 September 2007 (USA)
Honeydripper Trailers

In 1950s Alabama, the owner of the Honeydripper juke joint finds his business dropping off and against his better judgment, hires a young electric guitarist in a last ditch effort to draw crowds during harvest time.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
les6969 This film has it's moments and there is a lot going on. It is an incite into early Rock and Roll and the fact that it was black singers and musicians and not Elvis who started it all off. It shows the racism and corrupt attitudes of the deep south and there is a little love interest. Danny Glover is outstanding as is Stacey Keech but all the support roles are also really well done. My only criticism about this film is that it doesn't really go anywhere. At the end I was left with an empty feeling with so many unanswered questions. What happened to the young guitar/singer after that weekend? Who was that blind man exactly? ( if he was blind, he gave the Danny Glover character a knowing nod at the gig ) Whay didn't the Stacey Keech character expose the boy as not Guitar Sam? ( Money I am guessing? ) I think this was a good film and it kept my attention but it could have been grittier and a better ending.
Terry Emerson So this self indulgent film about absolutely nothing of any import has just wasted two hours of my life ! Set in the deep south of 1950's America the plot is as transparent as it always is in a film were nothing is always about to happen. The plot is actually so thin you will have guessed the ending & how we arrive there quickly. In my case in around 90 seconds of the opening titles. Guess what - A middle aged black club owner, with relationship crisis & broke, has to keep his 'wooden shack' / club open. Oh the unbearable excitement of wondering whether he will succeed or not! Along the way we are treated to an array of cardboard cutout characters that include the local racist, white sheriff, [ so original ] the habitual enigmatic - oh no could it be a ghost to be laid character, who in this case is a sort of blind Alan A Dale & a young itinerant, rock n' roll, electric guitar playing musician who blows into town.It gets worse! The dialog is at best a series of cheap, stilted diatribes fed through the mouths of comic book, deep south, 1950's black / white stereotypes. I must presume the script was written by an intellectual midget with a range of English & clichés rarely seen outside of Batman comics.Then we have the music. A poorly performed mishmash of blues going' into rock n' roll, a genre not even favoured in its own time. Long dead it should have been left that way & certainly not resurrected with stiff, stilted, zombie like musical performances.Lastly we have the director, one John Sayles famed for being involved with such mega blockbusters as Bruce Springstein - The Complete Video Anthology & that other great masterpiece, Passion Fish. That says it all really Lets be honest - if you have 3 brain cells or more, have enough understanding of English to know that batman should actually be two words not one, have an intellect equal to or better than a nematodes, and a musical taste beyond thinking my My Ding A Ling was a good rock song, well then you'd have a more stimulating experience watching Thomas The Tank Engine!
Mark Specht This film is painfully slow and uninteresting. The dialog is brutal. The characters uninteresting. I have seen thousands of films, and this horrendous product should have ended the career of John Sayles. Sayles' Eight Men Out is among the most boring modern baseball films, but Honeydripper is at the very bottom of its genre.... and of all film making. There are countless good films about race relations in the southern United States, and this is not among them. Young directors and writers should watch this as how *not* to make a film. Danny Glover, Charles Dutton, Lisa Gay Hamilton, Stacey Keach, Sean Patrick Thomas, what *were* you thinking? There are always other movies to see instead of this one. See them all, then hesitate before renting Honeydripper.
rlange-3 The songs are to die for, and really make this a great movie to see. It's a peek into the cultural heritage of the blues and gospel in America, and the deep roots of rock and roll emerging from a segregated South. It's a bit stereotyped racially. The whites are all one dimensional, unsympathetic crooks and bigoted bastards except for one cloyingly condescending alcoholic woman. The black characters offer a more realistic and well acted mix and are multidimensional and intriguing. Glover is excellent, and you are really pulling for him by the end of the movie, along with his wife who stands by his side under tremendous stress. There is a real emphasis on the positive side of a family living out tough times which makes the story compelling. The interaction between Maceo and darn near everyone else, especially the sewing woman, was hilarious and entertaining.On the downside, it was very slow to develop. The pace during the first 2/3 of the movie was downright glacial. Some of the scenes could have been cut and a few more songs thrown in instead. It was a bit hard to believe that the guitarist at the end didn't check his amp before such a critical performance. Still, these are minor points that did little to detract from an overall good movie. Anyone with an interest in music and its roots should see this movie and will enjoy it thoroughly.