Home by Christmas
Home by Christmas
| 25 December 2006 (USA)
Home by Christmas Trailers

Julia Bedford is a homemaker who's left with next to nothing after a divorce. When Julia finds herself homeless, she begins her comeback and discovers what is really valuable in life.

Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Heather No one dies, so the movie doesn't get too gloomy; yet it contains a lot of drama that you can relate to. The hospital, the insurance company, the police, and the ex-husband are no help at all, so the leading lady has to start over from scratch. It has a happy holiday ending and the characters' willingness to help those in need is in the holiday spirit. It doesn't hurt that the movie has Rob Stewart - the handsome guy who played Roan in Nikita and Nick in The Good Witch's Garden. He is the best actor in the movie, playing his character with a calm, friendly attitude and a subtle optimism that he tries to hide from his crush. The actor who plays the ex-husband has a calm demeanor too, but it fittingly has a cold and indifferent feel.
daww-63850 Love Linda Hamilton, but Communal Communism, what the heck is that?? Lousy, miserable Hollywood idiots trying to shove their propaganda down our throats. These people are horrible: Limousine Liberals are turning into socialists. Disgusting people, they are. Well, the way I look at it is they work for me; they are here to entertain me. That's all they're good for, nothing more. They're my "Entertainment Bitches" while I'm in the "real world" performing a productive job, unlike them. They are just entertainment fodder, without much meaning to their lives. I almost feel sorry for them...almost. The show was OK. Linda has done better things.
Michelle This movie seems to have been written by a very young, idealistic person with very little sense of reality. He or she makes it look fairly comfortable to be homeless. The other homeless woman is always cheerful, they get their hair done at a beauty salon, have regular workouts, nice clothes, good food to eat. We never see them really suffering other than one brief moment in which the character looks a little cold in her car... after a lovely date with a handsome man. I think it does a disservice to truly homeless people. In addition, it is so unrealistic that the woman would have settled for such a small amount of money from her well-off husband after 20+ years of marriage. It also seems unlikely that the $15,000 in her bank account could have so easily been cashed out by her mugger. That big of a withdrawal would usually involve some scrutiny, I would think.
TruPretender I never pay too much attention to television films, especially when they intend to show for a certain audience, such as the way Lifetime Network targets their films for housewives and little girls. The "however", however, comes with the star of "Home By Christmas", Linda Hamilton. I could watch anything this elegant lady does, and thus so, I took a chance on this film. "Home By Christmas" is a quite depressing story of a woman, whom divorces her cheating husband, only to meet even more humiliation by loosing her home in the post-mordam madness, and living in her car. Despite this, she keeps her hopes up, and clings to every opportunity she can, in attempt to build a plan for getting her life back. Her desperation accelerates when her young daughter is returning home for X-Mas, and she needs a quick way to hide the disastrous situation that has befallen her. Not only that, but she has fallen in love, and cannot bring herself to admit her situation to the man she is interested in. Still, she manages to prevail in all her hope and glory, and just as the yuletide season is coming to it's heights.The story of this is actually depressing, and very sad to think about, but there is humor therein. Linda Hamilton is serious about this role, but she plays it out very well. The hope and humorous ambitions of her character are well represented, and we find ourselves smiling throughout the film, despite the lousy conflicts our leading actress is faced with. The fact is, we are given hope with every scene, as the writing is pretty sharp (a rarity for television films). it's no wonder why Hamilton choose this role. There is something to learn from the film, about giving and receiving. It's quite touching, and in the end, we see the miraculous life lessons of what good comes from hope and faith, and the power of the yuletide season.9/10