Hologram Man
Hologram Man
R | 27 June 1995 (USA)
Hologram Man Trailers

Five years after the mad terrorist Slash Galagher was sentenced to holographic stasis, he is given a parole hearing. But an equipment failure engineered by his cronies transforms the criminal into a living hologram with god-like powers. Now, stopping him is up to Kurt Decoda, the man who as a police rookie was responsible for arresting Galagher.

Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Bobby9976 From the beginning this film is relentless swearing, dubious shootouts, massive explosions and over the top characterisation. I liked it.This was broadcast in UK on the Movies4men channel, there are absolutely no romantic elements to this story.In the future a criminals are kept in cold storage and their minds reprogrammed in holographic stasis (what?). One such criminal escapes in holographic form, it is up to the man who captured him etc etc.It is easy to see the influence of hit films of the era such as Demolition Man, T2, Robocop, The Lawnmower Man and Virtuosity.Presumably Bruce Campbell and Lance Henrickson were busy hence their absence from this movie.Quite why some of the other reviewers are so critical is beyond me. Did the title and synopsis indicate to them that this film would be shortlisted for the Oscars? Unlikely as it isn't about AIDS or the holocaust luvvies.Technically the film has been quite well shot and very well edited.The sound quality is passable but nothing special.Overall this was quite a fun film to with an interesting enough premise, and would be good to watch with friends with a few beers
Ryan I am not a fan of the "so bad you love them" movies but Hologram Man has converted me. Every line of dialogue was cliche from the rookie cop looking at the Rebel Detective- with his non regulation hair and perfect suits- and saying, "That's not in the manual" to the loud and obnoxious supervisor saying, "You're a loose cannon."The opening bus chase scene was a complete rip off, down to camera angles, from Speed and Terminator 2.I especially like how five years pass and every car has been replaced by sleek and futuristic vehicles.This movie is great, especially from a writer's perspective of what not to do, there are lame attempts to instantly create tension that come off as just hack and downright funny.This movie is a riot.
Wizard-8 PM Entertainment was really starting to roll around this point, and they were probably thinking this was going to be their breakthrough point. They apparently had a sizable budget, great locations, and a screenplay filled with action and a huge body count.Upon seeing the finished product, it seems something went very VERY wrong. Most of the blame can be put on the incompetent editing (the problem that you usually find on the particular PM movies that went wrong.) Often new scenes start up in what seems to be the MIDDLE of the scene - including the opening sequence! Action sequences sometimes are missing key shots, so that people or vehicles are suddenly in a new position without us seeing how they got there. If a particular action scene isn't confusingly cut like that, it's instead cut in a way that makes all the shooting and explosions boring.Elsewhere in the movie, a few shots are sliced up and spread throughout the particular scene (in one instance, it results in someone dying, then seen miraculously alive!) And some scenes are utterly useless, like the scene where the hero goes through a virtual reality training course. Sure, the computer graphics (for the time) aren't bad, but this scene serves no purpose except for eye candy. The rest of the movie is mostly just as forgettable. Having both a hero and a villain look and act like Lorenzo Lamas was probably not a good idea. I admit I did get a few giggles with William Sanderson cast as a computer geek. There are a few other laughs, but otherwise it's an unbelievably dull effort that seems to go on forever. The only possible explanation I can think of is that maybe the work-in-progress cut was mistakenly shipped to the video people instead of the final cut.
NikTesla Yet another D grade turkey masquerading as Science Fiction. Don't watch this if you have your brain in an active mode.Wooden acting, a lame script, overdone violence (a body count that puts Arny and Sly to shame!) including scenes where cops behind objects die while bad guys standing in the open live combine to make this turkey one that should end a few careers.Give it a big miss.