Holding Trevor
Holding Trevor
R | 16 June 2007 (USA)
Holding Trevor Trailers

After finally breaking up with his drug-addicted lover, Trevor begins a new romance that unexpectedly complicates his other relationships.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Kirpianuscus at the first sigh, a simple, ordinary story about friendship, love, every day problems, problems and decisions. at the second, a good film. for its direct and fresh message. for the precise picture of a group of guys , different, nice, in middle of clash between feelings and choices and dialogues and physical attraction. short, one of film for an age when the t-shirt and jeans are very near by suits. and this did "Holding Trevor" not exactly a memorable film but a refreshing one. sure, part of characters are only sketches and the script is far to be great. but something gives to it a special look. and this is its necessary virtue.
smooth_op_85 I tried to care about these characters, even when two of them have tragic events in their lives.The only thing it seems to get right is dealing with a heroin addict and hoping that your denial is reality.Other than that, this film is pretty clumsy, the other gay guy has a music scene that doesn't fit the film and I don't remember if he even mentions his musical abilities or anything before that point.It just seems thrown together, no sense of pacing and at the end it left me just with scrunched eyes and wondering "Did anyone proofread this before they shot it? OR point out things that didn't make sense"
Armand feelings, fears, expectations, decisions, faces of new beginning. and a character who can be every of us. because it is not exactly a gay story. it is only search of best option in a desert of reality. a pledge for friendship virtues and need of the other. an exercise to define reality as drawing of intentions. and demonstration of human relationships. central virtue - the music as morning cigar smoke. and the courage of script to build nuances of a small universe as steps of new level. not a remarkable film. but a good occasion to discover the roots of common life. and to understand it more than part of accident. or part of generally lust.
TOM O'LEARY I was fortunate enough to catch HOLDING TREVOR today at OUTFEST, the Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Film Festival. I think it is really charming. It is beautifully directed, very funny and ultimately very moving. I thought a group of 20-somethings was going to bore me to tears. But the characters are vivid and interesting. The directing and acting are superb. Brent Gorski, the writer and star, is really a wonderfully talented filmmaker. And he is very, very easy on the eyes. One of the sexiest screen actors I have seen in ages. The camera loves him and so will audiences who catch this delightful movie.It's funny because now that I think of it no one in the movie really does "hold" Trevor. But I realize the title is a metaphor for Trevor being adrift in life. So, never mind.BRAVO!!!
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