Hold Back the Dawn
Hold Back the Dawn
NR | 26 September 1941 (USA)
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Romanian-French gigolo Georges Iscovescu wishes to enter the USA. Stopped in Mexico by the quota system, he decides to marry an American, then desert her and join his old partner Anita, who's done likewise. But after sweeping teacher Emmy Brown off her feet, he finds her so sweet that love and jealousy endanger his plans.

Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
vincentlynch-moonoi Overall I feel pretty positive about this film, although the first third or so of the film seemed a bit uneven -- some good aspects, some not so good. But the story is an interesting one -- which I'm sure our Republican friends would hate...because it's about illegal immigration from Mexico...but with a twist...apparently the immigration problem with Mexico in the mid-1900s was more of Europeans making their way to Mexico to cross the border into the United States. In this case, Charles Boyer is a bit of a shady character from eastern Europe; he is in Mexico and decides to marry an American woman only as a means to get into the United States. Along comes the somewhat prim teacher, Olivia de Havilland, who is taking some students on a field trip. Boyer seizes the opportunity, and within hours they are married. Boyer's plan is to dump de Havilland after becoming an American citizen, move east (she is from Azusa), and continue in his crooked ways with accomplice Paulette Goddard. Things take some unplanned turns, and Boyer begins to feel guilty about his plan, and eventually begins to fall in love with de Havilland (no big surprise there). Goddard rats on Boyer to de Havilland, but to an immigration official she stands up for him...and then leaves him. But on the way back to California, she is in a serious auto accident and lays apparently dying in the hospital. He comes to her side...illegally, and she pulls through and he gains his way into the country...with good intentions.I've grown to enjoy Charles Boyer more in recent years, and while he was right for this part he seems too sedate here, almost as if his heart wasn't quite in it.I recently watched another Olivia de Havilland film -- "The Heiress" -- and it occurred to me while watching it that Olivia de Havilland was the direct opposite of Bette Davis. Both were great actresses, but most of the roles that one starred in could not have been played by the other. And this film is another good example of that. Able to display a sense of nativity/innocence, but equally able to play the ability of be strong when required...and both in the same role. It's a very good performance.Paulette Goddard seems to get the short end of the stick here as the self-described "tramp" in the film. It's not an impressive role for her.Walter Abel, a very able character actor, is good here as the American immigration inspector. Rosemary DeCamp, an underrated actress, has a small, but good supporting role.Be patient. The film strengthens as it goes on and has some fine moments and touching scenes, particularly on the part of Olivia de Havilland.
dbdumonteil How can you be French and not love this film? First the lead is French;and in a small supporting part,there is Victor Francen,one of Julien Duvivier's ("La Fin Du Jour ",1939) and Abel Gance's ("J'accuse" 1918 and 1937) favorite actors.Plus "La Marseillaise " in the final sequences.Plus Olivia De Havilland who has been living in Paris for years.Except for Bertrand Tavernier,most of FRench critics do not speak highly of Mitchell Leisen's overlooked gem.This is the kind of superior melodrama I love.Olivia De Havilland is one of the greatest actresses of all time,one of those who never think twice when it comes to playing demeaning parts.She is so moving,so tender and so endearing that beauty Paulette Goddard almost leaves me indifferent.And I wonder why Boyer...The very structure of the film is highly original,being a long flashback,the hero telling his story (perhaps too much voice over) to a director to earn money (but we will know why in the last minutes )because he thinks all his trials can make a great film!Truth can be stranger than fiction cause he is in a film himself! The subject of the movie is still topical today when you see so many people leaving their country for the wealthy ones (not only America:in France ,Russians and others are actually fighting to get French citizenship).For that matter,one of the peaks is when Victor Francen declaims Emma Lazarus's poem which is graven on a tablet within the pedestal on which the Statue of Liberty stands.There are subplots and Mitchell Leisen's talent manages to make them as interesting as the three leads .You may remember the lady who wants his baby to be an American and the way she makes her dream come true,maybe more than Boyer/Havilland's honeymoon.A honeymoon that takes them to an old Mexican village where they go to mass,with a candle in their hand.A scene that recalls Murnau's "daybreak" .Emmy (De Havilland) is a woman who has never known love.She really wants to hold back the dawn ,to make her dream longer than the night.She gave all she had and she 's so altruistic she even returns good for evil.When she realizes that she's through with her pursuit of happiness,she simply puts her glasses.I had seen Leisen's film when I was still a child.I saw it last night.With the same pleasure.
Star5 A fabulous film with an all star cast of Charles Boyer, Olivia De Havilland and Paulette Goddard. Boyer plays a man who is trying to get US citizenship, the only way by which turns out to be, marrying De Havilland's character. There is a sweet scene between the two when they set off on honeymoon and they play beautifully together throughout. Paulette Goddard is wonderful as the scheming other half and it's nice to see at the end that she gets what she's after!! Clever start to the film too - look out for Veronica Lake making a movie - and a lovely ending that really couldn't get any better.
guil fisher Put Charles Boyer, Olivia DeHaviland and Paulette Goddard together in a film and you have terrific, sparkling performances. These three stars along with Rosemary DeCamp and Walter Abel in lesser roles make this melodrama believable and one of the best for Paramount Studios in 1941.Boyer, a Mexican gigolo, in an attempt to gain access to United States by way of marraige, weds Olivia, a school teacher, visiting the Mexican border town with a group of school boys, in a quick and sudden ceremony. Paulette, once Boyer's partner on the professional dance floor, attempts to win him back once he gains entrance to good old USA. However, as in most melodramas, the hero has an attack of conscience and tells his lady fair the truth. She leaves him, as does Paulette, only to find Boyer trying to get his story made into a film. A great scene on a movie soundstage with Veronica Lake and Brian Donley as themselves being directed by none other than Mitchell Leisen, who also diected this picture.Goddard shows great flair as Anita and according to Miss DeHaviland, was very nervous during the filming that her upper lip would tremble. But she survived and did a fine job. She was to make several more flicks under the directorial hand of Leisen. Most importantly KITTY.