Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire
Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire
| 10 September 2004 (USA)
Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire Trailers

This documentary places the Bush Administration's original justifications for war in Iraq within the larger context of a two-decade struggle by neo-conservatives to dramatically increase military spending while projecting American power and influence globally by means of force.

Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
bernie-122 Although I found this to be disappointingly cliché, it nevertheless should be required viewing for all Americans. Most people probably don't know that the administration they have elected is not merely conservative, but reactionary, and dangerously so.I'm puzzled as to why the makers need to present the material just like a "60 Minutes" episode, unless they believe that's the only format the average Joe will accept. Maybe so, but this will also cause him to regard the content as being similarly superficial, which it certainly is not. This is disappointing, coming from an organization whose avowed purpose is to shake the media out of the rut it's in.However, the message is so important and frightening that these shortcomings must be overlooked in the face of the realization of where we are headed if we don't do something to stop this before it's too late.
mrkevinj Wow! Just watched this movie last night, and I didn't sleep well at all. I saw Fahrenheit 9-11 and found it to be entertaining, but too biased to be taken seriously. This movie, however, gave me chills and I am already quite familiar with the material discussed. It is an hour well spent and goes a long way toward educating the average American about NeoConservative views and how they have now become the dominant force in American politics. This movie is a MUST SEE if you ever care to truly understand why we are in Iraq and Afghanistan and why we're not leaving (so long as Bush and the NeoCons are in power anyway)!The main difference between this movie and the others which have tried to target the Bush Administration so fiercely is that this one actually shows the extreme economic costs of waging continuous wars with those we don't agree with, and leaves it mostly to the viewer to decide whether never-ending war and American Imperialism is the correct course to take with so many other pervasive domestic problems of our own to deal with (not to mention the myriad of social and political costs). It is also the first movie (and even book for the most part) I have ever seen/read that deals even remotely with the very serious and deep-level links between the NeoCons in the Bush administration and the Israel leadership (read the extended interview w/ ex-Pentagon agent Karen Kwiatkowski (Lt. Col. USAF retired).Invite your friends, family and neighbors to watch this movie with you because this is the true debate Americans should be having and not whether some rich kid did his duty in 'Nam thirty years ago. Enjoy!
Drich82 Granted, this film is not as "glitzy" as Michael Moore's, and it isn't as in-your-face. However, that doesn't not take away from it's message, and some may argue it enhances it.**********Film Spoiler Warning***********While I don't think one can spoil a documentary, I'll put that in nonetheless.While Fahrenheit dealt more with Bush's hypocrisy and both his dealings and benefits financially with the Arab world, Hijacking Catastrophe widens the camera, focusing on "Neo-Conservative" chickenhawks of the Republican party (Rumsfeld, Bush, Cheyney, etc.) and illustrates how they're right-wing foreign policies, schemed since the post cold-war early 80's, have been systematically put into place since 9/11.A brilliant film. Impressive list of world-renowned thinkers, ex-military, and political activists weigh-in on the topic. The film ends leaving the viewer with some scary conclusions on how the Bush Government and the Republican Party view it's place in the world, and furthermore, how they see the world as something to be conquered. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!
georoad This movie is more dispassionate than F9/11. With interviews by the usual suspects of "Left" oriented politics (to those who have watched a lot of documentaries), with a spattering of retired military members, it paints a picture of the present President as starting us from hegemony to Empire. Overall, it uses more conventional documentary techniques and less personal invective to make it's claims. The conclusion is that when no one is left standing, who will pay for the current debts?On the lighter side, I could not keep my eyes off the screen when Norman Mailer was interviewed. It was not watching him, rather in the background was a huge a Lego project that was either a castle, or futuristic spaceport.