High Risk
High Risk
R | 01 May 1981 (USA)
High Risk Trailers

Four American friends, badly needing money, decide to make a commando-like raid into a South American drug lord's compound.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
SimonJack Some reviewers have noted the mix of comedy, action and adventure in "High Risk." That says it all for the score I can give the film. The plot and premise carry such close resemblance to some other films of the drug-running and underworld genre, that one can't help making comparisons. Not serious ones, mind you, but things that just come to mind based on the very serious side of the drug underworld that other films have shown us ("Scarface," for example). I wonder why this film was made at all, except that it might have been a late showcase for a bunch of very talented actors in their senior years. And, except for one, these are mostly cameo-like appearances. Ernest Borgnine, James Coburn and Anthony Quinn are good in their roles – the latter with more screen time. Yet, even the roles they play, as written in the script for this film, are just not very believable. The main four characters, headed by James Brolin as Stone, are not that good. From start to finish the script plays out more like fantasy or sci-fi. That four unemployed guys, with no training, conditioning or noticeable skills, could do what they set out to do was ridiculous. OK, so Hollywood realized that but wanted to make this funny. So, they start shooting and killing people. Whoops, there goes the funny. How could a millionaire drug lord in a South American country compound be taken so easily by what are obviously incompetent combatants? And, the further incompetence of the foursome is seen in their flight, sleeping in broad daylight with no one on watch, etc. As I said, I don't know what the push or backing for this film must have been. If not for the small time of the big names in the cast, and just enough intrigue and disbelief in the mission, this film would have nothing at all going for it.
glow-17 I first watched the movie while, my father was posted in Panama CZ, and it was a really great and fun film. I had to work at it, but I did get a copy of it on VHS much later. Last year, 2007, I found the film being sold as dollar movie at Wal-Mart, I of course bought about four or five copies. You might still be able to find some out there, if I see anymore I'll probably buy additional copies. The actors are pretty good for what had to be a cheap film, and 'Adios Airlines' will always be in my vocabulary.The film starts out with a couple, four, out of work guys meeting an arms merchant. They buy some guns, chosen more for the looks on the screen than a logical evolution for an assault, but then these guys aren't really crooks they're just out of work guys trying to pay their mortgages. After flying down to S.America, Adios Airlines really makes the film special, they parachute in, make their approach to their target, hit the target and that's when everything goes wrong. They end up tangling with Revolutionaries come hill bandits, meet some gays in jay, end up cross dressing, meet a new love their life and end up in some cool shoot outs, more realistic for the amount of ammo expended for noting hit than anything else. In many ways, the film should be a classic but has been overlooked by most. Anthony Quinn and Ernest Borgnine along with James Brolin really make the movie. It's probably the movie the brought me to appreciate Anthony Quinn, when I was young and I still enjoy getting the movie out and watching, the plot hasn't been used since and was really original at the time.
sol (There are Spoilers) Fed up with working for a living and getting nothing for it, except bills and parking tickets, in these high inflationary times four buddies from L.A decide to help themselves and well as the War on Drugs. The four plan to travel down to the steaming jungles of South America and rip off one of the top cocaine dealers on that continent Serrano, James Coburn, thinking it would be a piece of a cake. It wasn't and thats what makes the movie worth watching.Hard to take yet very entertaining film that has these four soldiers of fortune, together with a little cute white poodle, lead by tough as nails Mr. Stone, James Brolin, get not only involved with the Serrano drug cartel but a gang of mountain bandits. The bandits are lead by by their bumbling and butterfingered leader Mariano, Anthony Quinn, who during the entire time on the screen is seen suffering, depending on the mood he's in, from either a very bad case of saddle sores or of poison ivy in his you know where.Breaking into Serrano's hacienda Stone and his three buddies Dan Rockney & Tony, Bruce Davidson Clevon Little & Chick Vennera, are shocked to find out that the wily Serrano changed the combination to his safe where he keeps his ill gotten gains, 5 million in US currency and about 20 kilo's of cocaine. Being the determined bunch that they are the four grab Serrano, with what seems like dozens of his bodyguards out to lunch, and force him to open it.On the run with the Serrano mob as well as the paid off police and military hot on their tails the four split up in the jungle with Rockney & Tony ending up getting captured by Serrano's boys. Later Stone and Dan, who escaped with the cash, get caught by this band of kooky bandits lead by the even kookier and inflamed butt hurting leader Mariano. All is not lost when jailed by the police Rockney and Tony get acquainted with another American languishing in the prison cell next to them Olivia, Lindsey Wagner. All soon escape with both Tony and Rockney losing their shirts, as well as their pants, in the process and make it to the prearranged spot, the jungle waterfall, where their to be picked up and rescued by a cargo plane.Back in the hill country Stone and Dan end up being worked over by Mariano's men who used their diet of beans hot tamales and high fiber food to their advantage, by gleefully and sadistically breaking wind in their faces, in torturing the two helpless and tied up men. It wasn't until the little dog, who was left behind at Serrano's hacienda, showed up and untied Stone by biting through his hand tied rope that they made their escape without the 5 million,that Mariano and his men took from them; only to come back and rip it back off from Mariano that very night.The film builds up to it's very happy ending with everyone involved in the big drug & money rip off, including the cute little dog, making it out alive from the jungle, and back to the good old USA. Those out to get and do them in both Serrano and Mariano as well as their bands of bandits drug pushers dealers and enforcers are left holding the bag to the very satisfying music, five years before Arnold Schwarzenegger used it in his action movie "Raw Deal", of "I can't get no Satisfaction".
gpolice_97 this film falls a little flat for me.....with all of the movies that came out at the time this film came out this film got short changed....and after watching it again, to me there wasnt all that much to it...the acting was good, but the story was a little dry... I did find it for $5.99 on Dvd, so had to pick it up.....the ending is O.K...this film is one of those late night flicks you would see on cable chopped up (just for language)..its an average film that could have been Much better!