Hercules Saves Christmas
Hercules Saves Christmas
G | 01 January 2011 (USA)
Hercules Saves Christmas Trailers

"Hercules Saves Christmas" takes us on a magical, fun-filled and touching journey. MAX MOOGLE, an adorable yet mischievous twelve year old boy...

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Dirk Dingus It's a pretty harmless flick. I went into it expecting it to make me kind of sad (at how bad it might be), but there's a smattering of originality in the writing and enough excitement from the actors to lend it a sort of magic that makes it too fun to hate. Sure, it's awkward, has a few scenes that linger too long, and generally doesn't make sense, but it's better than your general Hallmark tripe. It has plenty of dad-style jokes to make you yuk-yuk-yuk in spite of yourself, and it has cute visuals. I think my 5-year-old niece will like it.I recommend it to anyone who can lighten up, anyone who likes weed, anyone who likes to riff, and anyone with chill kids who love dogs and Christmas.
FXproducer07 Read the other reviews so I figured I'd have my 8 year old watch it, after all, it is the holiday season. There really wasn't anything good about this flick. The dog isn't in the movie much at all, which actually turns out to be a good thing after hearing his "voice". The acting is painful to watch, especially the lead male. With low budget movies like this (I can only assume it is), you have to be creative in someway, and there was none of that. I'm not sure who these other reviewers are, but they couldn't be more wrong about the film. Don't believe me, watch it for yourself and write a review to save people from wasting their time.
chadwick28 I think this movie went straight for the "Christmas Story" appeal. The story line was a little cheesy and the direction was clearly not very good.Most of the acting seemed boxed and over directed (ad lib is an amazing tool). In the scenes where the actors had some freedom, you could see real potential for some great acting, between Rick Wilder (Danny Arroyo) and Max Moogle (Anthony Robinson), and between Rick Wilder and Sally (Maggie VandenBerghe), but it seems that in most scenes, they were over directed, and not given license to let themselves act.This was not the worst Christmas movie I have ever seen, but the director should definitely go back to film school. Give Danny Arroyo, Anthony Robinson, and Maggie VandenBerghe a chance to show their talent. They should be stars....Finally, please stop casting Mackenzie Phillips in anything. She does not have star power.
rbylakx Hercules Saves Christmas is a fun Xmas kids film great for the entire family. The film had humor and holiday spirit. There were good characters I cared about and good acting all around. Rick, Sally, and Helen stood out.Top it off with cute talking animals, magic elves, and some good holiday music. My family enjoyed it. It held good moral values. My kids and nephews wanted to see it again the next day. They connected with the Max character and they loved Hercules. What more can one ask for in a Christmas film? Recommend!!!