Her Name Was Ellie, His Name Was Lyle
Her Name Was Ellie, His Name Was Lyle
| 25 September 1967 (USA)
Her Name Was Ellie, His Name Was Lyle Trailers

In New York City, a relationship is threatened when a young man discovers he's caught syphilis from a tryst with a waitress named Ellie. This threatens his relationship with a new girl. Film critic Amy Taubin co-stars as the new girl who gets the bad news. The director is apparently the same man who edited Fritz Lang's The Testament of Dr. Mabuse.

SparkMore n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Brooklynn There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.