| 23 June 2005 (USA)
Hell Trailers

While traveling, a crew of documentary makers meet a horrible fate when their van falls off a cliff. Though only one of them really dies, the rest are 'accidentally' dragged into hell where each are tortured according to their sins.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
coolaziz-aziz At first I didn't like this filmBut after viewing it a few times it started to grab my mind for a whileFirst of all the movie is set hell, and of course that is a place nobody wants to go, and this movie kinda show why one shouldn't be there, it's very dark, the sins that is portrayed are very brutal, and it seem no way to be redeemed even if you risk your life so save your friend (two character did that but still got to pay for their sins)But I like the idea that the main characters who ended up in hell actually try to escape even a place like that where everything seems hopeless, is show how strong the will power can go.It's not a masterpiece but it's a guilty pleasure and I recommend this film just for that but not for sensitive viewers
Claudio Carvalho While traveling during the night, the Mask Mass Production van driven by Lae hits a bus and the driver and passengers awake in hell. Art, Ja, Chod, Oon, Kim, Uncle Tao and Lae are surrounded by demons that force to follow them through an inhospitable land to meet Satan. They learn that they will be judged and punished in accordance with their sins. However Art sneaks and finds a place were he sees that all of them are in coma in a hospital; therefore they might have a chance to escape from hell. But the sinners will have no chance to return before they are tortured for their sins. Will they have chance to live their lives? "Narok" is an underrated Thai film with an interesting visual concept of hell. I have glanced at other reviews and I found funny to read that the film is "moralist". If Uncle Tao and the teenagers are in hell, of course is because of their sins. The characters are intentionally not well developed since the screenplay discloses their sins when they die and have to stay in hell to pay for what they did in their lives. My vote is eight.Title (Brazil): "Inferno" ("Hell")
Carpe_Diem12 Being a huge fan of Thailand horror films and watching the trailer for this I decided to pick it up. I don't want to say it was a mistake but I will say it was not worth my money. The problem with this movie was the story. It drove on and on with the same concept and got pretty tedious after the first 30 minutes. The plot pretty much goes like this.. A couple of kids and some old man are driving in the night their car gets hit, the people go to hell, they're tortured and beaten, one of them becomes an asshole and they decide it's times to get out of hell. If I had known this before going to pick up the DVD I would have never gotten it because it does not sound so different from many horror films using extreme gore to appeal to audiences.One thing I found really awkward was the fact that most the male demons were dark skinned. Now if you're not from Thailand you probably don't know that in Thailand right now people of a lighter skin completion are taken more seriously then people of dark skin. They're also thought to be more attractive which is why the actors are typically always light skinned. Now to me I found this to be discriminatory. I'm not saying they purposely did that but I would have preferred it if there were some light skinned demons in the movie.. Other then those very sexy female demons who obviously were only there to add some steam it..The visuals were great! I absolutely loved the scenery and the effects. I enjoyed the fact that Hell does not look to far apart from earth. Kind makes you a little more creeped out, well maybe just me. No complaints for me on this matter..Now like I said, I am not going to say this movie was a mistake to pick up because even though it was not great it was actually enjoyable to watch for the first 30 minutes but I will say that if you are indecisive about putting that last 5 bucks on gas or on renting this movie then turn that money into an ozone killer because it really is not worth it.5 out of 10 from me.
paintedwallpaper Both me and my compadre had some serious expectations for this film. It fell short of those expectations but it still managed to entertain.First the disappointments. The characters were all stereotypes. Some aspects didn't make sense and some twists were predictable.. The moralistic scenes tended to drag a bit. Finally, the demons and the devil were kind of a let down from a European standpoint; however this movie is from Thailand, so maybe the scariest things the writers could drum up were barbarians.This movie did show interesting mythology, and hell is truly a loathsome place to be. The torture was hard to watch, and the boiling oil effects were extra neat. Some parts were truly inspired, such as the scene with the ghoulish children. The fun in this film is the campiness, which is bad because a truly terrifying and nightmarish film on hell has yet to be made, but is good because the film does deliver entertainment. You get the feeling that if the movie was taken seriously it would suck just by how the dramatic scenes are so hammy. Anyway, I thought this film was pretty entertaining.