Hawk the Slayer
Hawk the Slayer
PG | 21 December 1980 (USA)
Hawk the Slayer Trailers

Hawk the Slayer, after seeing both his father and bride die at the hands of his malevolent brother, Voltan, sets out for revenge and the chance to live up to his title. Tooling himself up with the "mind-sword" and recruiting a motley band of warriors: a giant, a dwarf, a one-armed man with a machine-crossbow and an elf with the fastest bow in the land; Hawk leads the battle against Voltan to free the land from the forces of evil and avenge his loved ones.

Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Joxerlives Watched this in 1980 aged 7 as the supporting feature for Saturn 5 and enjoyed it a great deal more. Minscule budget, laughable special effects, terrible acting and astoundingly bad dialogue but it still works and indeed it's brilliant, a great way to pass 90 minutes. Especially love British comedy legend Bernard Breslaw as the giant (a reasonably small giant but when you're accustomed to seeing him as Sid James foil it really is such a different role for him). One scene that really stands out though is the part where Crow, the last Elfin archer speaks to Hawk of his weariness of battle; Crow; "We have waited together like this many times, you and I. Sometimes I grow tired of the fighting and killing. At night I hear my people calling for me from beyond the mountains. One day I will join them and my race will be forgotten" Hawk; "You will never be forgotten" Feels like it comes from a much better film.
boxofficepoison-1 This movie has a troubled start. It's main character looks like a young John Cleese - thus making you wonder if it's just unfunny deleted scenes from "Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail" movie you're watching. But no - it's a movie on it's own! Unfortunitely, it has some issues:This movie lacks horizon - literally! You won't find a single distance-shot in the entire movie but the one with the castle at the beginning - and that's a painting! Seriously, there is no scene in which you can see a landscape, you have no way to figure out where this all takes place. Everything's taking place in an ugly forest (behind the abandoned train-station east-end London, I presume ?), and when it's not ugly that's because it's too foggy to see anything. No location (and I hesitate to use this term here) is in any connection to the other. The "hero" even has to warp to his friends as well as into the enemy base (a tent and a fireplace, that is). Come to think of it: Actually, the hero is barely moving at all!Also, this movie lacks depth - and I'm not talking about the plot! Half a meter outside the abbey's door starts limbo, or is it the black studio wall? The river is as shallow as the plot, the abbey's hall is gigantic compared to all other featured rooms with their 4m², a measure fitting any other dull place in this dull movie.Then: People die in this movie - dozens of them. Every two or three scenes some new characters are introduced. That's because they all won't last long. Many, many people die - and most of them are killed by the hero and his cohorts: crooks, lowlifes, thieves, travellers, unarmed spectators - just name them. There's little left to kill for the evil guy but nuns and the hero's party members. Unfortunitely, one of the very few survivors is the "hero"...Don't forget the not-so-special effects: There are some, but it's just the then popular video-effects you have seen in so many other mediocre movies from the early eighties. If it wasn't for the laughable green goo-spray effect near the end of the film there's not a single special effect to remember: no monster, no gore, no nothing but the stolen neon Hula Hoop effect from "Superman 2" and terrible speed-cut-editing...And there are other issues... plot hole issues! The evil guy Voltan looks as old as his supposed father, but must be 30 years ahead of his brother Hawk. How did that happen? Why is Voltan so desperately in need of the few gold from the nuns, and why is he revisiting the abbey again and again instead of plundering the place right from the start? And if it's gold he's after, why has he Hawk collect it from the slave-driver (obviously the only other supply of gold in the entire kingdom)? Is he too lazy to get it himself? What was he thinking?? Why are all the good guys so unlikeable? Who's that evil Overlord? And will our hero ever realize that it was indeed a witch he saved from being burnt as a witch by the pious peasants??What I'm saying is this: It's a movie without a big budget, so this is what you get - the story is simple, the acting is simple, the directing is simple, the music is simple (and better be used a science fiction flick), the humor is simple, the costumes are simple, everything's simple! Keep your expectations low and you might actually enjoy it...Luckily, this turkey was never continued...
benjyuk A charismatic hero that makes Tommy Wiseau look like a one-dimensional corpse, non-stop action, an enthralling plot, SFX which render Transformers 3 a SyFy production in comparison...at this point I woke from my slumber on the sofa and stared in disbelief that this movie was still running. It had all been a delightful dream, my body saving me from the torture of facing this ordeal without a break. The most entertaining 20 minutes of the film was when I had slipped into a coma of boredom from being subjected to John Terry's emotionless presence and the ridiculous sound effects that sounded like they were made using the sound effects on a pre-school Casio keyboard.The editing on this movie was a joy to behold. The brilliant use of re-showing the same scene but being sped up just to give the impression that the crossbow was being shot in some rapid fire mode is just underused in today's movies.The interesting debate this movie brought about was - what makes a bad movie funny? Me and my friend watch many bad movies as they are unintentionally the best comedies. Classics such as The Room, Troll 2 and Hercules in New York and so this had the potential to be comedy gold, but instead fell into the deep pit of silly string and pre-school keyboard sound effects and joined the only other movie that has sent me to sleep on that same sofa, McBain.After the film had ended, I was left in a state of confusion and anger. Only one thing could restore my faith in awful movies, the dulcet tones and infectious chuckle of the Croation cyborg himself, step forward Mr Tommy Wiseau. After 30 seconds of The Room, my faith had been restored and i was more entertained than I had been during the entire ordeal of Hawk. If Tommy Wiseau was the lead of every movie, the world would be a better place.
kid_called_quick I first saw this movie in 1981 at about 4 o'clock in the morning and I LOVED it. I had some friends staying over at my house for the weekend, we were 12 years old and lived to play D&D. About 2 minutes after the movie ended we all set about creating our own Mindswords and automatic crossbows for our characters. Yes, the acting is truly lame, but in a movie like this, who cares? I've always secretly hoped that there was a sequel made, as they totally left it open for one, but I guess that would be too much to ask for. I have always wanted to find the movie on DVD so I can show it to my nephews, who thanks to me, are also D&D players. The greatest cult fantasy movie ever!