Haunted Castle
Haunted Castle
PG | 23 February 2001 (USA)
Haunted Castle Trailers

A young musician and singer named Johnny has been notified by a law firm that his mother, an aging rock star whom Johnny hasn't seen or heard from since he was 3 years old, has died in a helicopter accident. Johnny has been willed her castle and all of her property and money, but he must visit the actual castle to claim these things.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Executscan Expected more
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Boggman To watch the "Haunted Castle" in all of its 3-D glory is simply an awesome experience! I love watching the "Haunted Castle" in my basement, with lights off & Dolby 5.1 surround sound pumping out of every speaker. Everyone I have shown this movie to loves it and has commented on how cool it is. The combination of the fantastic 3D effects plus surround sound give this little flick something truly special! I'd give the "Haunted Castle" 100 stars if I could.....just because it is so cool.This movie would not be nearly as entertaining in 2D or with average sound. If your lucky enough to own a pair of LCD shutter glasses and have a semi decent surround system --and you have not seen the "Haunted Castle"-- I would seriously recommend you stop what your doing and purchase it immediately.For all you other suckers out there- get yourselves some shutter glasses, get that TV cranked up and check out the "Haunted Castle". It is sure to cast it's spell on you!
devilfan9500 On a recent trip to Las Vegas I had the pleasure to see this movie in an IMAX theater and was totally blown away. I highly recommend seeing this movie in the Imax experience.It has some of the best visual and sound effects that I had ever had the pleasure to witness. Not to mention the soundtrack (that woman has a beautiful voice). I highly recommend this movie in any format but IMAX is the best.
RHPSvegas Do yourself a favor - forget about the plot of this film and see it forwhat it was meant to be seen for: eye candy. That's why Imax wasinvented! This film is especially favorable, seeing as how it's in 3-D.The story is about Johnny, the son of a former rock star mother who leftwhen he was only 3 years old and totally kept out-of-touch with himuntil she died. Upon her death, Johnny recieved a letter from her lawyerstating that he had inherited her castle and that he needed to be thereimmediately - that's where the film starts. Johnny's limo pulls up tothe castle and upon his entry, Johnny discovers it's all an evil trapset up by the devil himself to get Johnny to sign a contract to be afamous rock star like his mother. What ensues is a journey through thetortured lives of those who tried to renig on their contracts. The filmnot very graphic, but can be engrossing. There's lots of skeletons,creepy little green cherubs, weird singing monkey robots and Mephisto,Mr. D's right-hand-man. So the plot is kind of corny, but this film isstill worth seeing - it's like a better version of Disneyland's HauntedMansion, except with somewhat of a plot! The music is EXCELLENT! Belgian band Arid's lead singer, Jasper Steverlinck, plays Johnny and KyokoBaerston of Lunascape (also Belgian) does an excellent job portrayingJohnny's mother (and she Goth-dances too!). At the end of it all we'retreated to a live performance of Arid's "Little Things of Venom," anexcellent song which permeats throughout the Haunted Castle. Check itout!!! 10 out of 10..
Opie-7 This has to be one of the best 3D IMAX movies that I've seen! But everyone else that I know whose seen it hated it. Probably because too many people look for a decent plot instead of its visuals. It sort of makes you think that people don't care about the quality of a presentation.Now I admit, the story was...bad. But let's face it, 3D movies in general don't have great plots. If they did, people would be too busy focusing on the story than the 3D effects.In general, this is one the best IMAX 3D movies I've seen mainly for their 3D effects. Don't see it in 2D, you'll be very disappointed if you did.