Hate Thy Neighbor
Hate Thy Neighbor
| 26 July 1968 (USA)
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Ken Dakota's search for the murderer of his brother, killed by bandit Gary Stevens, at the behest of land owner Chris Malone. Dakota attempts to bring the men responsible for his brothers death to justice.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Console best movie i've ever seen.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Leofwine_draca HATE THY NEIGHBOR is a decent little revenge western from Ferdinando Baldi, something of an expert director in the genre. It's about your usual gunslinger type hero seeking revenge for the massacre of his family and the plot intrigues that ensue. One of the worst things about the film is the main actor, Spiros Focas, who has no charisma and evokes no sympathy in the viewer whatsoever.Thankfully a larger-than-life team of villains is much more interesting than the hero and lift the interest quite considerably. Later exploitation and video nasty stalwart George Eastman stars in an early role as a hulking brute who goes around raping and killing and the like before being brought to book. The chief villain is the incredibly slimy Malone, as played by German actor Horst Frank. Frank gives a thoroughly creepy turn in the role and the only pity is that the hero can't match the power of these bad guys. Still, there's fun to be had from snake pits and claw weapons with which slaves are made to fight, and the gun action is pretty cool too.
redwhiteandblue1776 I gave this movie a 2 only because the dubbing into English was pretty good. Other than that: simplistic, unbelievable and amateurish. I watch these things only for the comic value while wondering why anyone would actually spend money producing it. I like westerns, but they have to have some semblance of reality. Apparently the director invented a whole new way of fighting when the two fighters with the steel hooks would dance around each other covering their faces. Very strange. And it was amazing that so many men could be shot with one bullet and just fall over dead. One even got stabbed in the stomach and just died instantly. Give me a break.
Wizard-8 There are some positive things I can say about the spaghetti western "Hate Thy Neighbor". The colorful outdoor location shooting makes the movie look different than the average spaghetti western. The musical score, while not a classic of the genre, is tuneful enough. Eastman and Frank make a couple of charismatic villains. And the action sequences, from the hand-to-hand combat sequences to the shootouts are pretty energetic.Unfortunately, despite all those positive things, the movie is almost ruined by two factors. One is the hero, played by Spiros Focas. He is not very charismatic, especially when placed before the movie's villains. He is also written to be a pretty boring hero, someone who needs assistance from a sidekick among other things. But a bigger problem is the movie's pacing. Between the (few) action sequences, the movie moves at a sluggish pace, and the story feels very boring.So if you're not a spaghetti western fan, forget it. Even if you are a spaghetti western fan, don't seek it out. But if you are a spaghetti western fan AND you happen to come across it AND if you are pressed to watch something you haven't seen before... only then should you watch it.
unbrokenmetal After "Preparati la bara!", director Baldi made another movie with the same team of villains: Horst Frank as the boss and George Eastman as his right hand man. "Odia il prossimo tuo" is just a minor work, but overall enjoyable. Ken (Spiros Focas) wants to kill his brother's murderer Gary Stevens (Eastman), but Stevens seems to be protected by the powerful Malone (Frank). But when Stevens and Malone become enemies, Ken tries to get his revenge.The three most memorable scenes of the movie are: 1) at the beginning of the movie, when Ken's brother is desperately knocking on every door trying to find help while Stevens is hunting him. 2) The duel with metal claws instead of knives, quite unique. 3) Malone tortures Stevens, hanging upside down above a snake pit. Yes, it's a violent movie. It suffers a bit from Focas not being one of the familiar (anti-)heroes of the genre, but with Eastman, Frank and beautiful Nicoletta Macchiavelli, some good actors save the flick.