| 23 June 2007 (USA)
Harpies Trailers

Jason Avery is an ex-cop now working as a museum security guard. Armed thieves break in intent on stealing a priceless obelisk that's stored within this vault-like stone structure. The scientist behind the theft talks of the obelisk giving him the power to control harpies, demonic winged female monsters of classic mythology. Through a series of contrived events, the obelisk opens a time portal that Jason promptly falls into, crash landing over a thousand years in the past in a land threatened by evil harpies.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
TheLittleSongbird I had a feeling that Harpies would be bad, but this bad? No, I was not expecting that actually. Other than some novelty value and a somewhat enjoyably hammy performance from Scott Valentine, Harpies has no redeeming qualities and is one of SyFy's very worst. The film looks cheap for starters, with choppy editing, scenery that never feels authentic and lighting that doesn't add anything to the atmosphere. But even they are not as bad as the special effects for the harpies which are so shoddy and fake that you are laughing by how hysterically awful they are. The script is just as poor, with dialogue so cheesy that it would make the cheesiest cheeseburger bland and flat delivery. The story is incredibly dull and predictable, with nothing of real interest happening, and the action sequences are the most inept of any movie that I've seen. The direction is limp and unimaginative and the pacing is sluggish. The characters have no likability or life to them, you are annoyed by them and nothing is done to develop them that well. The acting is awful, Stephen Baldwin's lead performance is so lazy that you are wondering whether he's even acting at all. Overall, an absolute waste of time, in all honesty not in a while have I seen a movie this bad. 1/10 Bethany Cox
acts2120 Yes, I gave this a 10, which is deserves...if you can stand to sit through the first hour of it and wait for the castle storming sequence - which is so abysmally, horrendously horrible it is HYSTERICALLY FUNNY!!! At first, it was so bad I wanted to cut out my heart with a spoon, (because it would hurt more, you twit!), The harpies are about as scary as I am when I wake up in the morning (admittedly that can be pretty bad some days, but...) and the dialog is asinine. Balwin is ridiculous (big shock there), but I was eventually rewarded for my masochism about 45 minutes into the SCI-FI broadcast with the "Storming the Castle Sequence".This sequence is so funny it had me and my husband howling with laughter. My favorite is building the trebuchet overnight - out of plywood, which they make no effort to disguise - and then watching this plywood contraption BOUNCE upon launch. The music varies during this sequence from actually being good to being a ludicrous heart beat in the background.Then there's the bit where Baldwin's character hides the all-powerful amulet in his mouth...Turn this torture of a movie on half an hour after it begins airing; distract yourself for a few minutes, and keep an open mind - and watch for the really, REALLY bad humor. It's not fun/funny like "Army of Darkness," but more along the lines of a "post Joel and the Bots (Mystery Science Theatre 3000) do-over - if you can subject yourself to the first hour!!
Cas Smith I give this a three simply because I am looking forward to seeing just how consistently poor this "Army of Darkness" wanna-be is going to become. Stephen Baldwin (whose acme really was Barney Rubble) plays a wash-out-cop-now-a-museum guard, who is transported back to 9C Moldavia, and battles harpies controlled by a parody of The Bad Guy. All that to thoroughly stilted script and spastic gesticulations. Ah yes, yet another SciFi Original Movie. Oh! While pecking out this Comment, this movie has remained consistent. So at least it has that going for it. Hmm.... now I have to write more to be acceptable. O.....K..... The trebuchet looks like the Stealth Rabbit King Arthur used to attack the French castle under the tutelage of Monty Python. Ah, good. I have now written enough to pass muster. All rather silly really when all that needed be said about this movie is that it really is marvelously poor. Regards all, Cas
theerwproject ...and end up surprisingly good movies.Stan Lee's Harpies is not one of them. **WARNING: SPOILERS FOLLOW**Let's see...where to start?Ah, yes -- The Harpies themselves. You'd think, given that they are the title characters of the film, that there would be great time and care and attention given their design. Instead we get abominable CGI, and the live action harpies looked like emo girls wearing badly-done halloween wings.The Action Sequences. When the harpies attack, it doesn't show us anything that convinces us that there's a battle going on. You see a bunch of people waving their swords, then you see a shot of the harpies giggling and flailing their arms. Yeah, real convincing. The battle scenes, such as they are, show a bunch of guys bumping into each other with swords drawn. One poor nameless extra got skewered by a sword, and when he fell down, he fell at an angle showing that he was holding the sword between his arm and torso, rather than sticking out of his trunk, as it should have been.In the museum, we're supposed to believe that these mercenaries are not only bad shots, but that an ancient cup, hit by a bullet, is just going to fall as if it were knocked over, and protect our hero.The Casting Not too much wrong here, other than they're rather unseasoned and ill-suited for a fantasy film. Also, they got the cast wrong on here. Scott Valentine (yes, the guy from Family Ties who said "Ay!") played Vorian.There are other stretches of the imagination, people jumping when they're supposed to be "sucked in" or "thrown clear" of the blast, etc. But this movie was just "That Which Should Not Be Made" on so many levels. My friend and I made better student films than this in college. Did anyone notice the dearth of slavic names in the crew? I thought only the Italians made ridiculous movies ("Naked Gladiators" and "Texas Rangers 2020", anyone?).Ah well, I suppose that if they enjoyed what they were doing, that's what counts. I didn't.