| 09 April 2005 (USA)
SnakeMan Trailers

An object is found that points to the secret of eternal youth so a research team is sent to find the fountain only to find it is protected by a giant snake

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Luecarou What begins as a feel-good-human-interest story turns into a mystery, then a tragedy, and ultimately an outrage.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
zombie-32 This was one hell of a stinker. Comparing this to an early Dr Who episode from 1960's Who had the worse scrip: The Snake King Who had the worse dialog: The Snake King Who had the worse acting: The Snake King Who was more predictable: The Snake King Who had the most fake special effects: The Snake King (This is going against cardboard cutouts, men in wetsuits, and obvious miniatures.) The Snake King did have one advantage over the Dr Who episode it was in colour.It does have a good drinking game if you have a drink every bad line or when a henchman gets killed you are more likely to pass-out from alcoholic poisoning than pass halfway through the movie.
laurampaleka I hate to give this movie even one star. It doesn't do anything to deserve it. Totally laughable plot, horribly untalented cast and I haven't seen graphics of this "high" caliber since Children of the Corn 4. One of the Baldwin brothers is in this movie. And here's something that must have come as a delightful surprise to him- he's not even the main star of this C grade flick. That must have been a huge blow to the Baldwin ego. I can't believe that they actually filmed this in the Rain Forests of Brazil and somehow made it seem as if it was on a cardboard set. How do you mess that up? PLEASE don't waste your time with this one- unless you are looking for a movie to make fun of all night long.
dmuel Here we have Snakeman, or maybe it's really some other title, telling the story of a nasty snake monster in the Amazon which has a penchant for munching on people parts. Stephen Baldwin, the not-too-talented younger brother of Alec, may be the Snakeman, I don't know. We can't be sure because the plot involves the snake monster eating everyone. It has nothing to do with a "snakeman". Why do they make movies like this? Because they get suckers like me to watch them, that's why. Terrible CGI effects only cheapen this Anaconda rip-off. Some of the gore effects are quite amusing, as when the gun-for-hire decides to pull his own guts out of his stomach after being bitten there by the snake monster. Think we'll see "Snakeman Returns", "Snakeman Forever", or "Snakeman: The Beginning"? Let's hope not.
lordzedd-3 Where to begin. The story, the characters are a bit wooden and two dimensional and the evil corporation who cares for profits over human lives maybe true, but it's getting old in movies. Steven Baldwin, looks like he'd appear at the opening of a letter. I mean even he's better then this. But it's not all bad, I think there was clever dialog and Naga looks real. I've done my research and there are versions of Naga that are just multi-headed snakes, they didn't screw that up. I respect any movie that researches the subject matter. It's not dull by a long shot, lots of bullets flying around and stuff blowing up and people getting ripped to pieces.It does get confusing at points, first they're fighting the snake god and the natives, next they join the natives. What's up with that? Anyway I give it six stars.