Hard to Hold
Hard to Hold
PG | 29 June 1984 (USA)
Hard to Hold Trailers

Jamie Roberts is a rock star living the highlife when he falls for an intellectual child psychologist who only has ears for classical music. Opposites attract, but his jealous ex-girlfriend isn't ready to give up so easily.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Amy Adler Jamie Roberts (Rick Springfield) is a pop music superstar. He gives concerts, gyrates across the stage, and the crowd, mostly women, swoons. But, this gets old after awhile and he has been feeling somewhat restless. Borrowing a car after a show, Jamie gets into a minor traffic accident with a pretty schoolteacher, Diana (Janet Eilber) and he likes what he sees. However, she doesn't care if he is the richest man out there, she likes Tony Bennett and sane lifestyles. Nevertheless, when Jamie shows up below her apartment building in San Francisco and has a Tony-lookalike serenade her, she can't help but invite the good-looking singer into her apartment for an evening. Yet, she doesn't see any future between the two of them and tries to resist the start of any relationship. But, Jamie is relentless and they begin to go out as a couple. Can a teacher of troubled children who scorns "top 40" music really be a good match for a rock star? All right, I know, this film is the definitive guilty pleasure, for its strengths are mainly the looks and voice of one Rick Springfield. He has a smile that melts hearts and his goofy yet sincere portrayal of a rock star goes a long way to making the film attractive to a mostly female audience. Eilber is pretty and competent as the love interest and the supporting cast is quite nice as well. As for the setting in San Francisco, it is gorgeous, the costumes are nice, and the production values are strong. Yes, the plot is somewhat silly and unbelievable but the direction keeps the story going. The soundtrack, too, will either be very appealing or dismissive, depending on whether you are a fan of Springfield's. In short, if you adore little Ricky but you have never seen this film, get it soon. Toes will curl and chests will sigh over the Aussie singer's rare movie appearance.
michaeld8899 This was a great "bad" movie. It really captures the mood of the 80's. It's easy to look down on movies like this. But it's not as bad as everyone says it is. Would you really buy this movie expecting "On the water front"? Rick is OK. Does every movie have to be an award winner? It does actually have a good premise. Some of the music (concert scenes) could be better--but it's not Rick's fault. For all those who graduated in the 80's--rock on! I love Rick's character. It's actually realistic.I wish someone would remake this film with a hip-hop feel. I think it would work on that level. Someone call M&M. He is a great actor.
Kimberley This movie wasn't the worst movie made. Don't go to see it if you want to have deep thoughts! We are NOT talking Masterpiece Theatre! If you are a Rick Springfield fan (and there are a lot of us!) you will love this. Rick Springfield is NOT the worst actor around. It has a good story and GREAT music! It is a good love story. What normal woman doesn't fantasize about a famous, gorgeous, and nice man sweeping her off her feet?!?! Perfect 80s fun! Patti Hansen (Keith Richards' woman) is nutty and beyond, but it worked for her character. The most important reason to see it? A scene involving Rick Springfield that MAY or MAY NOT stay on! Bottom Line -- this movie is the perfect thing to watch when you want to have a bit of fantasy and not get hit over the head with how artistic or political it is.
Jedi Jr. I agree with another person's comments that Rick was not given much to work with. Rick is a very talented actor and this movie WASTED his talents, other than the sequences with him singing in concert. The chemistry between his character, Jamie Roberts, and social worker Diana Lawson is very lacking. She looks old enough to be his mom, even! I thought the band didn't even need parts in the script. They were used as props anyway. I did like the character of Nikki, Jamie's ex-girlfriend, who tries desperately to get back together with him, but continuously gets rejected. This character could have even played a bigger role in the movie.However, if you are a fan of Rick's (as I am), it is a must-see. The music is the best part of the show, and once again Rick triumphs in this field! The song "Love Somebody" (performed in a concert sequence at the end of the film) makes the hour and a half long movie worth renting or buying.