Hard Rock Zombies
Hard Rock Zombies
R | 01 September 1985 (USA)
Hard Rock Zombies Trailers

A hard rock band travels to the tiny and remote town of Grand Guignol to perform. Peopled by hicks, rubes, werewolves, murderous dwarves, sex perverts, and Hitler, the town is a strange place but that doesn't stop the band's lead singer from falling in love with a local girl named Cassie. After Nazi sex perverts kill the band to satisfy their lusts, Cassie calls the rockers back from the grave to save her, the town, and maybe the world.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
GL84 Traveling to a remote small-town, an emerging hard rock band scheduled to perform in the area finds the backlash against their music so severe the town eventually kills them, only to soon be resurrected as undead ghouls seeking revenge and turning the rest of the town into zombies as well.This here wasn't all that bad although it did have a few issues. One of the few bright spots to the film is the absolutely bonkers and bizarre storyline that really doesn't make a whole lot of sense here. The fact that this backwoods town, which includes everything from inbred hicks, sexual deviants, murderous dwarves and deformities as well as being the secret hiding place of Hitler and his mistress, gives this a truly deranged atmosphere that makes for a wholly enjoyable setup. It truly doesn't seem to conform to any singular type of offensive group to be after these sorts of people as it seems to be such a varied mix that none of it makes sense as to how the town functions at all with so many disparate elements of society represented here. That weirdness carries over into the rampage where the deranged bloodlust that sweeps through the town causes a series of enjoyable scenes with them killing off the group. From the surprise ambush in the bathroom while taking a shower with one of them to the chase through the outer parts of the village and into the countryside surrounding everything which is all quite delirious fun and exciting seeing the varying kills being committed in an over-the-top gleeful manner. That their eventual rampage on the citizens of the town responsible leas into the uproarious and silly final half with all manner of fun to be had from the connection between the zombies overrunning the town and the rock bands' performance. Coupled with the fine cheesy nature of the film from the songs and the overall make-up here, these here are enough to hold off its flaws. The films' biggest problem is maintaining any kind of semblance of logic or coherence. The fact that this throws so much goofiness into the story manages to make this one seem like such a bizarre and illogical series of themes throughout here the film can't help but just go into some outre ideas. Nothing really makes sense, from why the band is booked to perform in such a town that prohibits their kind of music to begin with, to why the town reacts to them being there and how they all came together in this location. More problematic is the fact that there's no point in their resurrection which just happens and is cut off by the lone individual who knows before he can finish so that rules out any kind of background information on how the group is turned into zombies or why they only target those that originally wronged them. Why people who never got bitten by the band get turned into murderous zombies either is never brought up and as a whole nothing about the film makes any kind of logical sense. As well, the cheapness might be a major deterrent here from the overall look of the production to the storyline and how the zombies look and act which isn't for everyone, but overall this one is mostly undone but not making any kind of sense.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Language and Nudity.
lost-in-limbo As I sat down to watch "Hardrock Zombies", I didn't know what to expect. By its title I was assuming it was a Troma production… and it's not, but it wouldn't be out of place either. Really I don't know what I just watched. Crazy, stupid. Indeed. Amusing at times, but boy what the hell was going on? This cruddy low-cost, shot-on-video production is one noisy, twisted ("You can watch, but don't touch.") and strange horror / comedy that throws caution to wind, as if it was made on the spot adding details as they went along. Everything is chucked in from rock music, T&A, a nutty backwoods family (consisting of a werewolf, midgets, and psychotic nymph), unwelcoming hillbillies, zombies, Nazis and Adolf Hitler(!). It's terrible, but it has that feeling like it was aiming for that. By the end of it, what it feels like is one very long, spontaneously tripped-out music video clip with wild camera-work. Break out the jamming (you know rock ballads) and the pointless posing --- with many disjointed images edited in (a lady dancing around), but don't forget the story involving an up and coming rock band stopping by in a backwoods town to play and staying at the home of the beautifully strange girl they picked up. So you might be asking how do zombies come to be, well wait around for the halfway mark. This when the zombies show up (it's not quite as random as many of the ideas popping up) and from then it gets even sillier ("ghouls don't like heads"). You don't know how, but it just does. The production has tacky make-up on show, wooden performances, is shoddily written and is completely direction-less with its meandering pace."Hardrock Zombies" is inane rubbish, which you might find yourself digging through.
Boba_Fett1138 This movie is bad and silly beyond believe. But strangely enough I really enjoyed the movie for this. Let me say that this movie is the type of movie that is perfect to watch late at night, with a couple of beers and a bunch of friends hanging around. You'll get plenty of laughs out of it, since the movie goes deliberately over-the-top with basically everything. The movie is so totally random and silly and it also knows this. It doesn't take itself serious at all, which makes the movie entertaining and watchable but certainly not any good as a movie though.It really has got to be one of the most random movies I've ever seen. It's like they even did a story to work with and they just made things up, which they thought would be cool and fun for the movie, as they went along. And this also seems sort of true, since it wasn't well into the production of the movie that they apparently decided on turning this into a full length movie, though it originally was the intention to make a 20 minutes short.It's a movie that is all over the place. I just couldn't understand the editing at times, that combined lots sequences needlessly together, as a weird sort kind of montage without really serving a purpose. It combines so many things that it's just beyond ridicules. Here we have a hard rock band playing awful '80's music, synthesizers included, 2 midgets, some nudity, a sniff of necrophilia and pedophilia, a wolf-lady, zombies and even Hitler. Does any of this really serve a purpose for the movie or its story? No. But because there simply is no story that the movie attempts to follow none of it really matters that much. The film-makers either did not care or just had no idea what kind of movie they wanted to make. The end result is such a weirdly random mess of a movie, that is still being entertaining due to all of this.But as weird as it might sound, the movie definitely gets worse once it turns into a zombie-flick. The movie got even sillier and I just couldn't care anymore for the movie its second half because it was all done so extremely poorly. Biggest problem is that the second half of the movie doesn't really feature a main character and becomes even more random by just following all of the odd town-folks and the hard rock zombies and all of the victims that they leave behind. Yes, you could say that the second half of the movie is pretty much completely unwatchable.And for the horror lovers; just don't expect an entertaining zombie-flick. The zombies are just such a small part in the entire random silly scheme of this movies. The gore and make-up effects also really aren't much special and I can't even call this an horror flick in the first place, since it never even ever attempts to get scary or create an hauntingly dark atmosphere.I really loved to watch this movie in parts, though overall this movie is just too much of a mess and extremely poorly done and put together as a movie, to give this movie a positive rating.4/10http://bobafett1138.blogspot.com/
lastliberal Remember that movie about the Monkees? Well, this is just about the same except for some very weird characters and zombies.A rock band goes to a jerkwater town - it can be any of a thousand across the USA - and they get hooked up with a granny werewolf in a wheelchair, midgets, a psycho shower scene, and Hitler!.The band is slaughtered, but never fear, as they rise again as zombies. They go after Hitler, and soon there are zombies everywhere.The strange, the bizarre, the just plain weird. It's all zombie fun with a rock soundtrack.The ending was hard to believe, and then it got really strange.Now, if the shower scene had not been so crappy, we could really have something to talk about.