Happy New Year, Charlie Brown
Happy New Year, Charlie Brown
G | 01 January 1986 (USA)
Happy New Year, Charlie Brown Trailers

It's the night of Peppermint Patty’s New Year’s Eve bash, but Charlie Brown has to write a book report about War and Peace. Hoping to join the fun for a special dance with the Little Red-Haired Girl, he tries desperately to finish in time.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
ultramatt2000-1 That should of been a better title. First of all, Charlie Brown is assigned to read "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy. (That is book is super long!) Second, wants to meet Heather, the Little Red-Haired Girl, but he gets tangled up with Peppermint Patty who pressures him to have fun with her. I remember seeing this for the first time in the late-eighties in a birthday party during my childhood. When I saw it again in the early and mid-nineties, it taught me how to talk to people at the store when I am having trouble looking for something at a store or library. Charlie Brown was annoying anyone, but he was desperate to get his holiday homework done! (Hey Charlie Brown, if there is no film, strip, record, or computer game based on "War and Peace" don't worry there is a movie made in 1956, watch the movie and things will go your way hopefully.) This special brings back memories for me. I enjoyed watching it. It reminds me of the clothes I wore, the warm and friendly faces of my friends and family, the food I ate and was devoid of worries! This cartoon is worth playing whenever you are having parties with kids and whether it is New Years Eve or not. Do I recommend it? Yes (despite the way [children's] television is going these days). I saw it ABC recently, and let me tell you that this special got cut to pieces for more commercial time. That aside, give it a watch. Happy New Year!
Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de) First they have to read "Crime and Punishment" and next up is "War and Peace"? And that at their ages? these teachers need to be fired. Anyway, "Happy New Year, Charlie Brown" is another half-hour television special and it was made roughly 30 years ago. Melendez, Jaimes and Schulz worked on this together as they did so many more times. And even if this one here did not manage to get Emmy.nominated like they usually did, it's still one of the better Charlie Brown films in my opinion. All the crushes are funny, everybody seems to have in interest in somebody, but nobody is getting who he wants. Kinda tragic actually, especially how Charlie is sleeping when the cute little red-haired girl does actually appear at the party. And even the segments with the dog and the birdie are funny this time, like when he gets the signs in order so that it says Happy New Year. All in all, a good and entertaining cartoon and superior to pretty much all other Charlie Brown short films. Recommended.
Shawn Watson Old blockhead Charlie Brown gets nothing right. And nothing goes right for him either. This New Year themed special is no exception. All Chuck wants to do is prepare for a New Year's Eve party and ask out the little red-headed girl he's long had a crush on. Only his luck would land him with the task of reading War and Peace in just a few days with a book report due as soon as he goes back to school.While the others are having fun, dancing, drinking root beer, and counting down to midnight Chuck can do nought but slave away through the pages of a Russian epic. You can't help but feel sorry for him. His bad luck doesn't end there though, or ever come to think of it.Makes for a perfect double-bill with any of the Peanuts Xmas specials in the week between Dec 25th and Dec 31st.
Templeton Moss "No book report has ever been finished by just reading the dust jacket." The history of Charlie Brown is a timeline of things that happened while he was looking the other way. Everyone has that story of how they left the ballgame early and missed the greatest play in sports history. Poor Charlie Brown lives every day like that. You can keep your Willie Loma and John Procter. The greatest tragic hero in American literature is a boy named Charlie Brown.This is a very good special, and it includes the famous "Pig-Pen" Hoedown scene.