It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown
It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown
G | 09 April 1974 (USA)
It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown Trailers

Charlie Brown, Linus and the entire Peanuts gang are off on a lively Easter egg hunt. They suspect they've spotted the Easter Bunny … but the trouble is, he looks a lot like a certain beagle who's near and dear to Charlie Brown's heart. Is it truly the Easter Bunny, or is it just the irrepressible Snoopy playing a trick on the kids?

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Horst in Translation ( I know I don't. I have never been too big on The Peanuts and this half-hour here cannot change my approach to them either. Emmy voters think different obviously as they nominated this cartoon from over 40 years ago. Then again they did so almost every time and sometimes even handed them the win, so they were probably a bit biased. The director is Phil Roman again and Charles M. Schulz obviously wrote it. I found the entire Easter Beagle plot pretty uninteresting. The Beagle's scenes with Woodstock weren't better either. The only somewhat funny thing were the failed attempts at cooking and painting Easter Eggs. Pretty much all of the child actors who voiced the characters did not act in anything else, so no famous names here either where one could be interested about their work in their younger years. All in all, not a memorable short movie. Not recommended.
utgard14 The Peanuts gang is preparing to celebrate Easter. Peppermint Patty and Marcie struggle to make Easter eggs, Snoopy tries to help Woodstock find a new home, and Linus is once again waiting on an enigmatic holiday figure. It's not the Great Pumpkin this time, though. It's the Easter Beagle. One guess on who that will turn out to be. Charlie Brown takes a backseat in this one, as his friends get most of the plot. It's a sweet, smart, funny cartoon, as all of the '60s and '70s Peanuts specials were. They're timeless really. Oh and the groovy soundtrack is a plus. It's not on par with the Christmas or Halloween classics, but it's still pretty good.
Angels_Review What can I say, I really like Charlie Brown Specials most of the time. This one is one of my favorites because I grew up with it as a child. It's jokes are actually rather good and are pretty much funny. In fact, the very first joke is with Marci and Peppermint Patty where Marci brings eggs over to color at Patty's house, but then starts frying them up when she gets there and as Patty is making the dye. It's cute, and though it may be a little off at times, you have to remember these are young kids who don't seem to have a adult around to help them.Again, as with almost every holiday in the peanuts world, Snoopy goes overboard and is the spokes character for the holiday. In this case, throwing Easter eggs to the children as he skipped and hoped around. I had to laugh at the ending part. Not going to spoil it for you though. Also, each joke follows the same lines as the first few shows in where we would get a small scene with an end joke and then jump to the next. Sometimes the joke will run for multiple scenes depending on what they can get out of it but nothing really feels as though they stretched it to long.The artwork really doesn't give me much to talk about because it's the same that we have had from the show, the characters looking as though they came straight from the comic pages. That alone makes it a treasure in my book plus the fact that this it's pretty much a timeless classic. It's one that may not get a full 5 stars out of 5, but it will be one that I would encourage people to watch.
rebeljenn Like the Valentine's Day episode of Charlie Brown, the Easter special is a lot of fluff regarding the members of the Peanuts Gang. It's not nearly as good as the Halloween episode (which is seems to mimic) or the Christmas episode.In this episode, the Peanuts are getting ready for Easter, and Snoppy becomes the equivalent of the Easter Bunny. The episode is very mundane with a lot less to offer when compared to some of the previous Charlie Brown films.Not terribly good. I would recommend that you see the Christmas episode or the Halloween one. Only watch this if you really are a fan.