A Charlie Brown Valentine
A Charlie Brown Valentine
| 14 February 2002 (USA)
A Charlie Brown Valentine Trailers

Lovesick Charlie Brown hopes – still – to get a valentine from the Little Red-Haired Girl, as does Sally from Linus, Lucy from Schroeder and Peppermint Patty from Charlie Brown.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Dalbert Pringle If you are someone who is deeply yearning for even a bit of love'n'romance to happen on this Valentine's Day - Remember - You are not going to be alone in your longing. No.'Cause you can be sure that Mr. Lovelorn, himself, (good, old) Charlie Brown (good grief!), has got his romantic-eye set on the little, red-haired girl (who doesn't seem to know that he even exists).(Poor Charlie Brown. Indeed.)So - If you enjoy watching 2-D "Peanuts Gang" animated pictures - This is definitely a really cute one that is sure to keep you happily entertained for its 25-minute running time.Kiss. Kiss. Hug. Hug.
Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de) Unfortunately, for them, pretty much all of it is unrequited in "A Charlie Brown Valentine". This is a 25-minute short film from almost 15 years ago and this was one made in the brief period after Schulz' death while Melendez was still alive. They could basically recycle some of the old stuff here for this one in terms of the story as the romantic preferences of the characters have been show in many films already. Charlie and his little red-haired girl is my personal favorite, but one girl's love for the piano virtuoso and the other one's for her little baboo are fairly entertaining too. All in all, another decent addition to this long-running franchise. We shall see how the topic of love is used are used in the new Peanuts film this year. We will certainly see a bit about these romantic connections in there as well. Until then, I recommend watching this one here. Snoopy's pranks are funny again too.
SnoopyStyle It's Valentine's Day. Charlie Brown pines to be the little red-haired girl's valentine. He doesn't even have the courage to rescue her from a bully. Peppermint Patty also wants a Valentine. She sends one to Charlie Brown. Marcie also wonders if Charlie Brown likes her. Lucy is willing to settle for kisses and a hug from Schroeder. Sally wants Linus to be her sweet baboo no matter what he actually wants.There is something hilarious about the pathetic Charlie Brown. Poor Charlie Brown! It's also his essence. It's just simply funny. I like both Marcie and Peppermint Patty in this. They are a favorable duo of mine. Snoopy has a funny bit putting on a red wig but this is all Charlie Brown. He is completely hopeless and completely funny.
strhoads5-1 This is my favorite of the "new" Charlie Brown specials. I liked it better than the Christmas tales and Lucy must be traded. It's also one of all time Charlie Brown specials-I'd say in the top 5 somewhere. I loved the dance part! I think the main reason that I loved it is because I could relate to about 90% of it! (Especially the dance part) Worth watching and even worth owning. It's suppose to come out in Jan, 2004. (PeanutsAnimation website)