Hank and Mike
Hank and Mike
| 01 January 2008 (USA)
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Two blue-collar Easter Bunnies get fired and try their hand at an assortment of odd jobs, failing at each. Fighting depression, debt and eventually each other, their lives start to unravel until they realize that without their job they are nothing.

Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
kosmasp The problem with the movie is that it tries to be so clever but it just isn't. Now that does not mean you might not like it (or find it justifiable funny in contrast to me). Bear in mind, this is how I saw it (and I'm assuming you two, though I won't reveal the ending, but speak of the one big thing, the movie has going throughout for it), so this is what I think is wrong with it.The problem the movie has is that it is inconsistent. If you go with an idea (as crazy as it is), go with it all the way. But making guys easter bunnies, you have to be clear about things. Of course you can say there are no rules to guys playing bunnies (though if you sell them as bunnies, then you should at least apply the simplest of rules on them) ... You cannot have one bunny have intercourse as a human being would have (not to mention, that he apparently has nothing down there to please the woman he is with ... and yes male bunnies do have something down there.Again you might find that nit-picking, but I think it should have been more thorough. This is something where a movie stars to loose me. But there are things too. The inciting incident (not delivering an easter egg), is one of the weakest things that could happen. It's like advertising not to do your job. The chemistry between the two main guys is all over the place (conflict just exists, when it needs to be there for the story to move on, which is kinda lame).The ending is completely bad, having almost to do nothing with the rest and just trying to create a feeling in the viewer (and in my eyes does not work one bit, as most of the dry jokes too).
cyndibar It's too bad they felt a need to make this an R rated movie. Even though it was a little dark, and it was full of great intellectual humor, there was enough situational humor that I think it could have been a mainstream holiday hit. It's not for little kids, obviously, but I have older nieces and nephews (even as young as 10) who would have thought this movie was hysterical. I hate the fact that I can't recommend it to my sister and other people with kids because the language and sexual activity is so foul. I loved it.For those people who thought it wasn't funny - I'm thinking you didn't get it.
mrdeadhead7 Literally went into this movie with zero clue of what to expect, and now that I've seen it, I'm really happy I did. It's not the silliness humor that some people may have expected when they saw to guys in bunny suits on the poster, it's a darker humor that is delivered perfectly. One of my favorite things about this movie is that it actually has it's serious moments, it's drama (as well as it's funny ones, actually a lot of really funny ones), but even during the most serious moments you have to laugh when you remember that these are two Easter bunnies. One, a chain-smoking, self-loathing slacker that drinks too much; the other an idealist riddled with low self-esteem, a bad knee, and an affinity for sweets. Simply enough, if they weren't wearing bunny suits people would praise the seriousness and remark on the depth of the social commentary. But you still get all that, just with bunny suits. Which you just can't beat. I liked it in the first 5 minutes. I really liked it by 10 minutes. I loved it by 20 minutes.
pepekwa if you're going to make a movie about real life easter bunnies in a real life setting, you have to make it deadpan and very realistic or surreal and edgy, this doesn't fit into either and as a result you don't know whether to laugh or empathise with the bunnies. I watched this half-cut so I may have missed some gags and I reckon I could like this more second time around but in any case, the writers/actors don't have the comedic presence to make this a hoot and the two "stars" mantegna and Klein are miscast, they should have swapped roles at least and Klein is very uncovincing as the evil, ruthless, corporate slime. There very some funny moments in this like when the bunnies tried to do other jobs but even then, the supporting,oddball characters did little to liven this up. The special features/making of this are about as bloated and long winded as you can get, its heartening to see how much effort and how many years of planning went into this lads but if this is the very best you can do, then erm, don't give up the day jobs, sorry.
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