Hammer of the Gods
Hammer of the Gods
| 01 February 2009 (USA)
Hammer of the Gods Trailers

Thor, along with his friends, travel to a mysterious island seeking glory and fame. On arriving, they encounter strange creatures and visions, so they start searching the island for answers. Meanwhile Thor's friend Freyja tells him that his visions of a mighty hammer are clues, so they also search for the hammer.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
reptile-man as a man with Viking and there mythology knowledge I wasn't expecting great things from this film, first of all all characters have very poor American / old English accents not one sound Scandinavia, poor editing , poor lines , weapons and armer look very plastic and poor a child could make better all in all don't even bother with this worse Norse film i have ever seen and I've seen a few you will simply just be wasting your time that you'll never get back glad i only downloaded and not bought / rented thisfrom a universal picture i think they may have realised this was a waste of the £5 it cost to make it
movienutsy That's really all there is to know about this movie (only thing that's sad is that it deserves a negative rating but unfortunately isn't available).Unfortunately even IMDb makes reviewers write 10 lines. What can I say?Awful actingAwful scriptAwful special effectsWas there a director present?Any amount of money spent beyond 1$ to make this movie was an absolute waste of money. At least I did laugh a lot...
TheLittleSongbird I admit I wasn't expecting much considering SyFy's usual standard, but not in a couple of months have I seen a movie of theirs this bad. For instance it looks cheap, with costumes more reminiscent of fancy dress and settings that suffer from a lack of authenticity. The camera work and editing all feels very slipshod, the lack of quality in the effects suggest that those involved were more concerned about quantity instead of the other way around and the swordplay is clumsy and almost cartoon-ish. The script is cheesy with none of the lines of dialogue ringing true, the direction is sluggish and never feels sure about what it wants and the story is unexciting and predictable. The acting is terrible with the lead especially uncharismatic, but they are not helped by the underdeveloped walking clichés that are the characters. All in all, I have seen a lot of bad SyFy movies, but Hammer of the Gods is down there as one of the worst. 0/10 Bethany Cox
vibrationsofdoom First of all, to those who are saying this is untrue to Norse mythology... Thor fought the world serpent AT RAGNAROK, and all the gods died... Even Fenriz, etc... SO, my understanding is that this movie is based on events that happened AFTER the great "Norse Armageddon..." The creators of this movie obviously had this in mind, when the character playing Thor had flashes of his battle with the world serpent... I thought some of the period costumes looked a little off, especially the helmets (and no, Vikings DID NOT have horns on them!) and the dialog could have used some work. I DID appreciate the "warrior's humor," however, and there was quite a bit of that. Reincarnation of the gods into mortals is obviously what the filmmakers were going for, otherwise how would it have been possible for Baldur to die on a bridge (not a rainbow bridge, Viking joke there) and Tyr to be slain. Reincarnated as mortals gives this story more credibility. That being said, the great Fenriz (did you know Fenriz is one of the founding members of Norwegian black metal band Darkthrone? Side note.) looked quite cheesy; the werewolf characters were a bit more believable than the main villain. As I said, the storyline is believable according to Nordic legend, IF you take into consideration (and it's easy to see from watching the film) that the filmmakers obviously thought the gods were reincarnated into mortals. However, this does NOT explain how Odin still sits in the great hall at Valhalla, as Odin was slain as well in the last great battle (by Fenrir, no less; this is the proper Nordic name for Fenriz the wolf). Not a terrible movie by any means, but once again, it's a movie not a history lesson...