Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
| 25 December 1961 (USA)
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Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, returns home to find his father murdered and his mother remarrying the murderer, his uncle.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
bensonmum2 There's really not much need to begin this little review with a plot synopsis. I mean it's Shakespeare's Hamlet for goodness sake – probably one of the best known plays ever written. I'm not embarrassed to admit that I came to this version of Hamlet the way most people on IMDb have – through Mystery Science Theater 3000. While the show may not be the best venue to use to judge a movie, in this case I cannot imagine attempting to watch it without the comedic quips. In a word, this German, made-for-TV version of Hamlet is dreary. 152 minutes? No way! It's too dark and depressing to be anything I want to spend almost three hours on. I've said it any number of times, but entertainment is the thing for me. And this wrist-slitter is far from entertaining. I will, however, give it a couple of points for what I felt was some reasonably good acting. A 3/10 sounds about right to me.As much as I enjoy MST3K, their comments don't help to make Hamlet any more palatable. There are a few good riffs here and there, but overall, Hamlet is just the wrong movie for MST3K. Shakespeare is far too talky to allow the comedy to have any sort of rhythm or flow. As much as it pains me, I've got to give Hamlet a 1/5 on my MST3K rating scale.
jerome_horwitz I literally fell asleep 3 times watching this movie. Granted, it's Shakespeare and that takes a certain mindset to be interested or not. But this movie exceeds any barrier of long soliloquies and what not, that may prevent many from just not caring about a Shakespeare based story.The largest roadblock to this production is the complete flatness of the characters. Often during character's interacting, it's nearly difficult to distinguish who's lines are who's. Granted, I believe this movie is dubbed in English. Certainly they could've obtained voice actors which could've added a bit more drama to these classic, literary lines.It would be difficult to rate this movie greater than 1, although perhaps that's based on prejudices of perhaps age and what would seem a very low budget. Still, it's absolutely painful and boring. If you insist on Hamlet, do yourself a favor and read the book again. 1/10
otisfirefly2001 I am only going to comment on the Mystery science theater 3000 version.How could this ever be saved? In a movie that is obviously shot on one movie set(no attempt is really made to give the impression of location changes). Not even Mike and the 'bots could save this garbage. The movie is so horrible, and bad that their jokes just fall flat. Though I do enjoy some of the lines, such as Servo remarking, "What's worse then clowns? Danish clowns." I feel that the only way this movie is watchable is on MST3K. And not even they could save this trash. Do yourself a favor and skip this one. Try another MST3K episode Like Puma Man; Jack Frost; Overdrawn At the Memory Bank; Space Mutiny. there are tons of other great episodes then this one. Why they chose to put this episode on DVD is beyond me.
Apearlo How bad is this version of Hamlet? The original dialogue was translated into German, which was in turn dubbed in English... I don't know about you, but my head is spinning.Anyway, this looks like a filmed play, on the set of an Obsession advert, and the only amusement to be had is trying to catch the words match the lips.Notable as being the only film to bring culture (?!) to MST3K. Actually, their version is pretty funny, but only under those circumstances.
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