Halo: The Fall of Reach
Halo: The Fall of Reach
| 27 October 2015 (USA)
Halo: The Fall of Reach Trailers

Relive the origin of the legendary Master Chief and the Spartan program in this three-part animated adaptation of one of Halo's most beloved stories. Kidnapped as children and conscripted into a brutal military training and augmentation program, the Spartans were designed to be the ultimate weapon against chaos and insurgency - but when a dangerous alien alliance known as the Covenant declares war on humanity, the Spartans might be our only hope.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Jean-Michel Zonderop I am one of many who has read the novel on which this movie is based off of and which I loved so you could say I went in with high expectations. I would be lying if I said i didn't have any. I will however say that I tried to lower those expectations and be open to a different view. Besides, book adaptations are rarely if not ever better than in it's original form simply because our own imagination plays a mayor role in it. It's hard to live up to those standards which are different for each and any individual.Unfortunately lowering my standards was not merely enough to be able to enjoy this movie. I would even say that if it weren't for me being a fan of the source material I would've given it an even lower score and it might have even scared me away from the franchise completely. The only thing that actually kept me going was me liking the universe the books created and my interest in how the team behind this production envisioned this prelude to the Halo games.And that's why it baffles me so much that it's this bad because this is coming from the people that have the property in their possession and who work on the current games in the franchise. Everything is there and checks out, from the original voice actors down to the lore, even small details like the HUD indicators from the games, and yet they have managed to produce a lackluster representation of an otherwise great story written by Mr. Nylund with stiff voice-acting and even stiffer animation work that resembled something closer to in-game graphics from last generations game consoles than anything. If I didn't know any better I could be fooled in to thinking I was watching a not so funny episode of Red vs. Blue. I know and agree that looks aren't everything but then at least get the emotion part right one way or another, especially because The Fall of Reach is one of emotional heavier tales in the franchise, if not the heaviest.The movie adaptation of the Fall of Reach ended up being quite a disappointment to me and I wasn't even expecting all that much of it to begin with, and to make matters worse, to top it all of, we didn't even get to see the full story. We have seen Reach, but the falling bit as mentioned in the title is a big part of it too. Either 343 didn't think so or this is a 2 parter.All in all I can't recommend this to anyone. And if you're a fan and you're as curious as I was though, take my advise and put the book on your nightstand before hand.
Blueyzj While I agree with some that the graphics are not important, a lot of emotion was left out of this story because of that lack of graphics. There is also blame for this on the voice acting, but perhaps the actors themselves realized there wasn't much to go on. Look, I for one am not one of those "the book was better" people, but in this case they forgot key points from the book altogether. If you wish to understand, read this excerpt from the book that talks about a cave drill in chapter 8 page 67. http://s3.amazonaws.com/szmanuals/dda956e6212b5299176ca2678f51bad8. In just this one excerpt it shows the emotion that was missing, the level of teamwork that was missing, and just how impressive they were after the augmentation. Watch it if you like, I give them a soft 4 for effort, but this movie was seriously lacking in all areas. If you have the imagination, stick with the book.
timskillman (Note - this review has some spoilers)The Halo movies aren't usually that bad so I thought this one might have 'improved' from the last. However, I've seen better animation and rendering in a late 90's video game than this movie!From the start you watch 6 year old kids getting beaten up - it's just plain unpleasant and unnecessary. John (who becomes Master Chief) is totally unbelievable - almost schizophrenic in his character; one minute he can be slaughtering those who annoy him and then suddenly become the most caring soldier on the block.The 'story' slightly reminds me of Enders Game with John being a very pale-in-comparison 'Ender'. But there's just nothing to like about him or any of the characters. The whole movie consists of short cut- scenes based on the sacrifice of kids as they grow up. It's just plain morose from beginning to end.I haven't watched such a shallow, wooden, stiff, badly animated cartoon such as this for a long time. I usually love sci-fi but you'd have to be a dyed-in-the-wool, die-hard, Halo lover to give this movie any rating above 1!I seriously wasted my money on this one.
Andrew Stanley my only real gripe is that it's not long enough. it has great story telling. i just hated the fact that i was aware of it wrapping itself up. i would've appreciated another hour or so. it does say "series" so if there are more to come, then awesome.as for as the visual quality, it's not AAA quality production. do you love Halo just for the graphics? or the lore. i read the book years and years ago. i don't read books for AAA graphics. there are none. if it WAS done through AAA production, sure it'd be nice. there are two general paths to 3D, photoreal or stylized. this was chosen to be done in a stylized manner. and i actually like how they executed the style and atmosphere.if you're in it for the visual effects, don't watch this. if you appreciate halo for the lore, if you appreciate some storytelling of a once great franchise, then i'd recommend watching this.it helps shed some light as to why 117 is the way he is.