| 05 March 2009 (USA)
Hallettsville Trailers

Something awaits Tyler Jensen and his friends in the Hallettsville house. When Tyler's lifelong friends start dying, he must figure out a way to save himself, his girlfriend and the rest of the crew before the demons come.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Vriska Serket Didn't expect a lot with a rating of 3.6, but was pleasantly surprised. The effects were great, especially considering the budget, and it wasn't as cliché as I thought it would be. The premise of the story was interesting; however, it could have been fleshed out better, and the ending was weak. Mostly the acting was nothing special, but Gary Busey and Jesse Janzen were good.The main reason I liked it was because the characters in this horror flick had very strong survival instincts--you don't see them making dumb choices left and right and it makes it more believable, tense, and scary.
GL84 While attempting to look in on a family house before it gets sold, a group of friends find themselves the victim of a murderous spirit who has far more sinister plans for the group than they initially figured.This one wasn't really all that spectacular, mostly due to the fact that this one doesn't exploit it's pretty decent premise for all it's worth. This one could've been pretty good with it's storyline about the hauntings within the house, possession and such, but instead it manages to focus on the kids' problems and never really gets anything going since we're stuck dealing with their issues that aren't interesting or even appropriate in the film. That leads to the final part of the film generating anything good, which is actually somewhat decent with some pretty good encounters with the spirit and a pretty god bit of innovation in having outsiders who they stumble upon believe their story instead of just writing it off as demented rambling, which adds a sense of realism to the film. Still, this one could've been much better.Rated R: Graphic Language and Violence.
BenWydeven Hallettsville is a rare gem that starts off well and fizzles out into a forgettable, underachieved conclusion. It's in an indie with the only name actor being Gary Busey, whose recent filmography probably won't get the attention of most viewers looking for an above average horror movies. Alas, I gave it a shot… online at Netflix, and I was pleasantly surprised. I expected a b horror movie with a predictable plot, lame acting, and lousy cinematography. But the Hallettsville has a lot of talent tucked into it's indie bundle.First time director Andrew Pozza directed and co-wrote this supernatural thriller which has a very standard plot: A group of college aged friends go to one of the kids' parents' cabin where they later reveal that 'something bad happened.' It's true what they say: it's all been done before, but it's not the story you tell, it's how you tell it, and Pozza and company do it well… for a while.The cinematography and sound design were the two things that I enjoyed the most about this film. The acting was solid as well accomplished. The dialogue was good for the most part and Busey's small role was well played and memorable. Most of the cast was solid as well and I couldn't help but notice one of them strangely resembled a young Johnny Depp. I wouldn't be surprised if his face shows up in a mainstream film one of these days.Hallettsville is full of memorable scares and jumps, but the film becomes increasingly B-movie when the killing starts and we don't really see much of anything. The ending was just lame, and what the hell is up with the book? It brought nothing to the story, it only reminded me how similar to The Evil Dead this film was and it mislead me into believing that things would be better explained when they ultimately weren't.However, this film deserves a lot of credit for the atmosphere it credited, but the third act really hurt the quality and turned my expectations belly up.
emwire They should've called it "Pink Lemonade", because I think that's what they used for fake blood. And they use it a lot. Furthermore, this movie has such a pathetic plot line that even one of the lead roles says in one scene, where they are huddled up around the campfire, that "it's one of the most retarded stories ever" and he is right. The average adult movie has got better story lines than this mess.Also, the music selection for some scenes just makes you laugh. It's so bad, I don't know how to describe it.Thru n' thru this is a really sad, pathetic, awful movie. Don't waste almost 2 hours of your life watching it. I wish I hadn't. Not even the legendary Gary Busey can save this flick from a rock bottom grade.