Half Angel
Half Angel
NR | 05 May 1951 (USA)
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Nurse Nora Gilpin plans are to marry building contractor Tim McCarey and settle down. But one night a sleepwalking Nora slips into a provocative dress and goes to the home of startled lawyer John Raymond, for whom she doesn't care much during the day. She does not reveal her name and he cannot figure out where they have met, but they spend several hours together until she gets away before John notices.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Executscan Expected more
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
weezeralfalfa Bachelor lawyer John Raymond(Joseph Cotton)suddenly is a very confused and frustrated man, thanks to a strange gorgeous woman(Loretta Young)who appears at his home one dark evening, claiming she is Princess Felicity: the girl with the magic lips, kissing his forehead to eradicate some imaginary warts(she calls him Frog!). She tends to the scrapes and bruises he suffered when tripping(twice!) over the low handle of a mower in the dark of his yard. She plays his piano and sings. Then, she says she has to go home before the witch she lives with awakens.The next day, John sees the Princess (or Jug Head as he sometimes calls her) on the street and greets her, but she doesn't seem to recognize him, and tells him to buzz off. This drives him nuts. That evening, he is getting on a train for Washington. She appears in the train boarding area, again, dressed in an evening dress and acting flirtaceous. He gets off the train and she encourages him to kiss her. They go to an evening amusement park and have fun on the roller coaster, even giving the operator a ride. The next day, John goes to the hospital(where she is a nurse), but she acts very hostile, and slaps him for being fresh. She talks to a doctor , who suggests perhaps her subconscious mind is telling her she actually loves John, although she thinks she hates him. She takes him to court, presumably, for stalking. Nobody can believe his tale, and he loses the case.That evening, she is preparing for her wedding to Tim the next morning. She falls asleep, but soon gets dressed seductively, and goes outside, where John is waiting. They kiss and John suggests they get married that night. They find a minister and a couple of witnesses, and go through the marriage ceremony. They go to a motel(why not his house?), with separate beds(as required by the then production code!) for the night. Princess awakens first, and is shocked that John is in a bed next to hers. She gets dressed and climbs out the window(why?), taking John's pants with her, which she throws over a fence(and which probably contain their marriage license, judging by a later comment by John!). She goes home and gets ready for her next wedding. I leave the conclusion for you to discover. At present, it's available at You Tube.Yes, Princess Felicity is one dizzy dame. It appears that a case of split personality has been fused with a propensity for sleepwalking. On the surface, there might be just enough plausibility for such a combination to tease our imaginations. But, basically, this is a fairy tale. That's OK as long as we recognize it as such. The plot is then seen as very simple, with a few holes, reasonably interesting, and well executed.
sbasu-47-608737 The plot of the movie was imaginative- Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde in reverse, gender as well as personality (Loretta is almost Mr Hyde while awake and Dr Jekyll in subconscious). Unlike what has been mentioned several times, (even by her screen father), it isn't sleep walking but schizophrenia and hence the plot is believable, including her failure to remember what her subconscious personality did, in detail. But she did remember, and tried to hint on screen, that she had been doing some thing naughty. The movie would have been excellent had a few gaps had been filled up and ironed out. She did knew her childhood sweetheart (John Raymond), but her reason of dislike isn't clear (which could have been clarified just in a few short dialogues, say with her colleague nurses). Quite a few other fillers would have made it into excellent movie. I give it above average in Plot, Loretta and Cotten - roles as well as execution, but that had been highly negated by the execution and also realization of both the doctor- who should have (and as it comes out did) guess but didn't take sufficient measures and more by her father, who obviously knew Raymond (he was the gardener of their family), as well as that the kids shared something sweet. He could have been a more pragmatic person say as the uncle in Katie Did It.
moonspinner55 Misshapen piece of fluff, a capricious bit of harmless whimsy that may go down easier at three in the morning when one is apt to be less demanding. Loretta Young is a starchy, spinsterish nurse, about to marry the cloddish man she's been putting off for five years, when suddenly her repressed desire to flirt with a strictly-business attorney takes over her body while she's sleepwalking, leading to a series of romantic confusions. Robert Riskin is responsible for the script, which he adapted from a story by George Carleton Brown; both men are strictly behind-the-times in terms of a saucy bedroom comedy (although Young is certainly attractive dressed in a very sheer negligee!). Joseph Cotten looks rather incredulous at being caught in such a juvenile scenario, and the tone of the picture is wobbly right from the start. Colorful supporting players (Jim Backus, Irene Ryan, and the always-reliable Cecil Kellaway) add some sparkle, however the movie hinges on Young's performance and she's much more annoying than seductive. ** from ****
Terry I just saw this movie on one of the cable channels, and it is adorable. Loretta Young is as beautiful as ever, and Joseph Cotton is his usual handsome self! The supporting players are also wonderful and you will recognize each one-The story line is a little silly, but you must take into consideration that the film is from 1951- As a film buff, I am aware that this era was a time for musicals and light comedies, and this film is light- You won't have to figure out plot twists or hidden meanings, the film is straight forward fun-If you are looking for a film that is entertaining and fine for the whole family than try this one-Stay with it,and I am sure you will enjoy it. A fun film!