Maniac Nurses
Maniac Nurses
| 01 January 1992 (USA)
Maniac Nurses Trailers

In a remote fortress, a sinister sorority of surgically skilled sisters lie in wait of their next victim. They control a bevy of caged women who have been brain washed and sponge-batherto become the worlds most anatomically awesome surgeons. This is the git-wrenching story of one innocent girl, Sabrina, who finds herself trapped in a living nightmare. Captive to a slavery ring that is training an

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Pluskylang Great Film overall
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
insomniac_rod I caught this movie by mistake and I regret watching it. I expected plenty of sleaze. You know, with a title like "Maniac Nurses" you can imagine sexy women in nurse outfits (short skirts for example) getting to torture innocent victims in old fashion soft core with a touch of hard core. Did I get what I expected? Absolutely not! This is an atrocious effort of exploitation or hard core. It's almost as terrible as "Fraternity Demon".The plot is sleazy and made me think I would get some decent erotic horror. Mistake! The film is so bad filmed it hurts. The gore is terrible and you can only expect to watch an uncomfortable cat-fight that ends up with a stabbing. The torture situations are lame and make you lose interest on it. I wonder if the sex scenes were hardcore because most of them are ridiculously cut. Avoid this one. It's one of Troma's finest mistakes.
HumanoidOfFlesh In this bizarre horror film,Ilsa and Sabrina are a mother/daughter team of lesbian nurses with sadomasochistic tendencies who,with their compatriot Greta,enjoy luring unsuspecting strangers back to their remote clinic and subjecting them to various homegrown tortures.Somewhere down the line,Sabrina falls victim to a cadre of feminist terrorists who have decided that she is to be part of their plan for world domination."Maniac Nurses Find Ecstasy" is a truly abysmal exploitation film which was released in America by exploitation film masters Troma Team Pictures.It has also appeared under the title "Bloodsucking Freaks II",though it has no connection to Joel M.Reed's memorably sleazy 1977 cult abomination.The film itself is boring and there is very little nudity.The acting is amateurish and the storyline is completely absurd.The funniest thing is that "Maniac Nurses" is apparently a Hungarian porno film that's been edited into one of the most delirious stinkers you'll ever see.The hardcore sex scenes were cut out and Troma or somebody else decided to dub it.Some women are absolutely gorgeous and there is a gory moment where a guy's feet is sliced off his body when he runs into a trip wire type booby-trap,but you'll suffer watching this mess.2 out of 10.
Coventry People familiar with the Troma-repertoire know they should never except masterpieces (or even "good" films), yet this piece of junk is worse than all their other incompetent productions put together! "Maniac Nurses (find ecstasy)" is an unendurably sick fantasy that obviously sprung from the perverted mind of some untalented weirdoes and Troma decided to distribute it as a horror/exploitation film. The initial ineptness-chuckles this movie cause quickly turn into tedious obstacles and, eventually, you have to struggle very hard in order not to throw the DVD far out the window. 'story' revolves on a group of deranged women who entrench themselves in some sort of heavily guarded private-hospital (God knows why). They fill their days by whipping each other, walk around in sexy lingerie and – occasionally – they play sleazy variants of the "most dangerous game" with unfortunate campers. The things that went horribly wrong in this production are too numerous to mention, and I guarantee that you'll never ever come across a movie more retarded than this one.MST3K-fans would orgasm over watching this flick: the narration is hilarious (seriously, what the hell is this guy talking about all the time?), the editing is a joke and the dialogues sound like they were written by an army of illiterate monkeys. The only aspect mildly admirable about it is that the creators obviously knew their sleaze-classics. The über-nurses are named Ilsa and Greta (after the infamous 70's exploitation franchise) and there sometimes are (unintentional?) references towards classic WIP-movies. "Maniac Nurses" also contains loads of graphic gore and tons of blood and I'm sure that, if it would have been filmed more professionally, it could had become one of the grossest and most offensive films ever. Instead of this, it only looks ludicrous and pathetic. It has to be said, though: the girls all have pretty faces and ravishing bodies. They probably all secretly hoped that this production would be their spring-board to ultimate Hollywood success. Awfully sorry're not even talented enough to make it in the porn business.However, one element of "Maniac Nurses" is downright brilliant and I can't resist mentioning it (spoiler): at a certain point in the film, they refer to a child supposedly born with an Elvis-tattoo on its little chest! Priceless!!
tromatical This movie is one of the funniest things that has ever been released. The only problem for the filmmakers is that none of this humour is intentional. No matter how many times I see it, I always laugh. This is one of the movies that pretty much defines the genre of "Cult Movie"; when watching it, try doing so with plenty friends, so that you can all enjoy laughing at it. The narrator is perhaps the funniest part of this.Beware of any babies born with Elvis tattoos!