| 18 October 1966 (USA)
Persona Trailers

A young nurse, Alma, is put in charge of Elisabeth Vogler: an actress who is seemingly healthy in all respects, but will not talk. As they spend time together, Alma speaks to Elisabeth constantly, never receiving any answer. The time they spend together only strengthens the crushing realization that one does not exist.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
SantiDeisMorici7 When I started watching the film, a sudden of weirdly arranged shots passed, without any context at all. That's when I thought: "Another non-sense experimental film which no one in the audience can understand, but the author". I was wrong, extremely wrong. Persona is a cinematic masterpiece that dwells on philosophical themes which are portrayed in the relationship between two individuals that are sent to an isolated place. Although one of them -Elisabet- barely speaks, her facial expressions on different occasions does prove that an opinion, story, emotion can be tell without a single word coming out of the mouth.On the other side, there's Alma, a girl whose monologues treat nihilism, abortion, lesbianism, imposed maternity, guilt, insanity, schizophrenia trough not only an a insanely well written and poetic script, but a magnificent direction...Ingmar Bergman frequent use of sunlight for a Rembrandt effect makes every shot a unique story and will characterize him as the genius he is frequently said to be. Accompanied by the astonishing performance of Bibi Andersson, the movie grants you a shocking ride over the human condition, which will leave you thinking for a long time. It's a visually stunning experience that any cinema lover won't easily forget. 10/10
elvircorhodzic PERSONA is a psychological drama that, with a strong emotion examines the relationship between an older mental patient and her pretty but lonely nurse. This is a film about the identity, self-centeredness, sex, lesbianism, motherhood and madness. The characters are very intimate, so that, a boundary of reality, in longing and despair, becomes a nightmare and a distorted picture in the mirror.The story revolves around a young nurse named Alma and her patient, a well-known actress named Elisabet Vogler. Elisabet is a stage actress who has suddenly fallen silent and still, although the doctors have determined it is not a result of physical illness or hysteria, but willpower. Alma is somehow fascinated with her patient. The doctor decides Elisabet will recover better in a cottage by the sea, and sends Alma and Elisabet there. A very strange relationship develops between the two women in this isolated environment...Mr. Bergman has put a very complex problems in a relatively simple framework. The research of an identity starts from the elemental drama, through visual poetry and dark fiction, to modern psychological analysis.The beginning of the film is outstanding, Mr. Bergman has managed to disrupt an illusion of reality with some dark symbols including a crucifixion. It is important that impressions are different. That is the point of this melodic game between the desire, repression and insanity. The atmosphere is in an opposite contrast with the environment.Liv Ullmann as Elisabet is the silent patient. Her reactions are a distorted reflection on her beautiful face. Her lips analyze and test. Bibi Andersson as Alma is a nurse who often leads monologues in which she lacks at a word on the other side. Just one word uttered by her patient will scare away the fog that slowly descends between them. However, words slowly dying, while her lips move in fear of a truth.
ssaimeri I am waking from a dream. And as I look out the window it seems I should see the ocean.Not much feels right as the memory of what I've seen fades.Light and the absence of light control my face as it did hers. One pale one unseen.To what to wonder. What a wonder too.I am still stuck.
SnoopyStyle Actress Elisabet Vogler (Liv Ullmann) has lost the ability to talk. The doctor can find no medical reason for it. Sister Alma (Bibi Andersson) is a nurse put in charge of Elisabet. Alma talks to Elisabet and eventually starts revealing intimate details of her life. Alma becomes more volatile but Elisabet is still unable to talk.This is truly a film rather than a movie. The visual style is stark black and white. There are snippets of surreal imagery. There are iconic Bergman blocking. It is so iconic that some even mock it in satires. The central idea of the duo personality is poetic. Of course, I'm not smart enough to decipher it without help. Essentially, this is mostly one long monologue from Alma to Elisabet. The narrative gets tiring. This may be an iconic film but it's not for me.
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