| 31 October 2004 (USA)
H2O Trailers

When Canada's Prime Minister drowns in what appears to be a boating accident, his son takes office and is drawn into a deceptive world of power and corruption.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Rose Pretty good, and equally unlikely and likely, but an interesting and fairly valid idea in any case. Misleading, but captivating throughout.I thought it was most interesting because I live in Canada and that's probably the only Canadian Politics movie I've ever seen in my life.Worth seeing if you're interested in politics and stories like it, but it tends to drag on sometimes, and much concentration is required to keep track of who's who and what's going on.When I first started watching it sort of reminded me of Wag The Dog, which takes place in the United States and has Robert De Niro and Dustin Hoffman in it. It's very well done, perhaps more so than this movie, but it depends on what you like. As the movie progresses, of course, the similarities end, but Wag The Dog is worth seeing too.Otherwise excellent.
David Eden "H20" is a mini-series that keeps you on the edge of your seat. What Paul Gross and John Krizanc have written is a masterful addition to the political thriller genre, where the viewer never knows who is the villain and who is the good guy. Add to that a superb cast of actors (including Gross, Martha Henry, Peter MacNeill) and the cinematic eye of director Charles Biname, and you have a satisfying and intelligent piece of work. I recommend this highly: how often do you get an exciting drama that makes you think about our political system and how dependent we are on the benevolence of our neighbours to the south? Ten out of ten.
dougmoyer43 I have never been a fan of "made for TV movies" or "mini series", but lately I've found myself looking more Canadian shows to watch. This movie certainly was that. If you don't know much about the Canadian (or British) Parliamentary democracy then you might be a little lost.I'm not a movie "critic" by any means, but I found this show kept my interest over two nights and four hours. Well written, acted, and never predictable. I would recommend this movie to any Canadian interested in Canadian/American politics, and even to anyone else curious about our political system. Maybe PBS will show it some day.
colin1mc Paul Gross learned many things while playing a Mountie on US TV, I will grant him that. That is all, however, that I will grant him. This 2-part mini-series looks slick, but that is as deep as it goes. The attempts to portray a kind of unrequited affair with the female lead were pathetic. The portrayal that either the First Nations or Quebec would present a serious threat with actual violence (as seen in this film) is laughable; sorry, but Paul Gross is too much a pretty-boy to be taken seriously in this role. Bottom line: the premise is flawed (you cannot possibly be elected in a by-election, then become Prime Minister within the time-frame presented); and the enactment of such a thing as the War Meaures Act could not possibly occur within the context of this movie. Given what went on within Quebec the last time it was used (I was there), an enactment of it under the circumstances presented in this movie is an incomprehensible thing to anyone who lived there at that time. You want to create the situation for a referendum on sovereignty? That would be it, and sovereignty would win, with my vote helping! Second bottom line:way too slick overall to be taken seriously as any kind of drama/commentary on the world we live in in reality! 2 thumbs DOWN! Not even worth a re-watch.