Blue State
Blue State
R | 27 April 2007 (USA)
Blue State Trailers

A disgruntled Democrat follows through on a drunken campaign promise to move to Canada if George "Dubya" Bush gets re-elected.

Sammy-Jo Cervantes There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
napierslogs "Blue State" is set after the John Kerry versus George Bush election of 2004. Our hero, John Logue (Breckin Meyer) a staunch democrat vows to move to Canada as a protest if Bush wins. A group called contacts him and urges him to join them in Winnipeg. So the move to Canada begins.The film is predominantly a road trip. John seeks a driving partner for the trip and finds Chloe (Anna Paquin). There is of course a romance sub-plot between the two. The genius of this film is in the writing of the characters. He's devoted to the left-wing political cause; she's much more mysterious. She guesses what he wants to hear, and he believes her. Although John is extremely liberal, the film isn't. They cleverly wrote in flaws to his character, and although the right-wing characters were more soft-spoken they usually got the last word. People from across the spectrum should be able to appreciate the film. Being liberal myself, I connected to John instantly and his weaknesses just made him that much more endearing to me.The road trip part of the film is extremely well written and moves at a reasonable pace. The Marry-a-Canadian part is just plain weird but luckily they don't spend much time in Winnipeg. And the best part of this film is that it actually has a resolution. I highly recommend "Blue State" to all the John Logues out there.
Fredrick Stafford A bland self indulgent vanity project for Marshall Lewy, I guess. Watching this movie my mind quickly begin to drift to why is it when some liberals don't get their guy, or girl, in office they throw a tantrum and threaten to "leave the country." Many of the Hollywood liberal limousine elite seem to do this with a sickening fanfare and right on cue, never follow through on it. God forbid they go somewhere where they cannot make millions of dollars being insecure unchecked narcissists. Conservatives, by contrast, when they lose an election, get mad, dig in, and vow to make a change next time; stay tuned for that in the coming days, by the way. But getting back to this movie; a "comedy?" Where? When? If I want to laugh at a generous dose of unknowns with a low budget on bleak locations playing silly Canadian stereotypes, I'll go watch my old VHS copy of Strange Brew again. Hey, good idea.
Jay Harris As per my summary, this film had no theatrical play-dates, very rightfully so, This a perfect example of a second feature film & not worth a solo showing especially at todays prices.I will not go into the political stuff as other reviewers did. What I think of the story line as there really is none? This is another road trip movie. It was filmed in Winnipeg Canada & area for under One Million Dollars. A nice tax write-off for the producers.This was written & directed by Marshall Lewy,this is his first full-length feature. Let us hope he improves,the script & direction is adequate for this type of film.The stars are Breckin Meyer (from TV), His performance is' not bad, but not that good either, and Anna Paquin who as child actress won a supporting role Oscar (The Piano) has done better adult roles. The rest of the cast also is adequate.The cinematography was mostly by hand-held cameras & it was very annoying,. The song score was not too bad. The movie runs 92 LONG minutes.Ratings: ** (out of 4) 61 points (out of 100) IMDb 5 (out of 10)
laurence-56 A self-mocking indictment against taking life too seriously, as ever the redeeming power of love wins out, with the moral - at the end - being that it is better to act locally than to run away.As for suggestions that the movie is partisan, I think not, this is merely a matter of character portrayal.Excellent acting by the hero and heroine. Very enjoyable and absorbing to watch.A self-mocking indictment against taking life too seriously, as ever the redeeming power of love wins out, with the moral - at the end - being that it is better to act locally than to run away.As for suggestions that the movie is partisan, I think not, this is merely a matter of character portrayal.Excellent acting by the hero and heroine. Very enjoyable and absorbing to watch.
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