Greystone Park
Greystone Park
R | 07 October 2012 (USA)
Greystone Park Trailers

In October 2009, the filmmakers went into an abandoned psychiatric hospital to explore the 'haunted' institution, famous for its radical treatment of patients with mental illness. Electroshock, insulin therapy, and lobotomies were commonplace. Once inside, the filmmakers quickly discovered that they were not alone.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Platypuschow Greystone Park has to be one of the least engaging films I've ever seen. Immediatly from the outset I was drawn to it as much as I am fire, acid or something really really pointy.It's yet another found footage-esque film where a group of folks interested in documenting supernatural activity break into an asylum and.......serious dejavu.This cost over half a million dollars to make and I'd love someone to explain to me where the money went. Was everyone overpaid? Did they have fantastic catering? Were all the cast put up in 5* hotels with travel covered and a personal masseuse? Maybe champagne and caviar for everyone in between takes? Because it sure as hell didn't go on the production.I've seen some real stinkers in this genre, and let's be honest most of them are the same movie recycled over and over again. But this is right up there! Again it's un-engaging, it's boring, it's stupidly dark, it has pathetic character development and as is commonly the case nothing ruddy happens!Pitiful, embarassing and yet another carbon copy movie just done worse than even usual.The Good:NopeThe Bad:Seen it all before, all of itAnnoyingly darkPoorly made from start to finishThings I Learnt From This Movie:Maybe the budget was spent on silk toilet roll?
Shawn Stetsko Most of the other reviews already hit this one pretty well... quite bad acting, bad effects and no plot (both par for the course for most found footage movies), and really quite dull. It tries to make it more interesting with artsy splices of chaotic montage which are supposed to reflect the decay of the psyches of the characters (I suppose) but these invasive montages are more just annoying noise than mood altering (I suppose being annoyed IS a mood though). To give the director some credit, at least they tried. They do capture a claustrophobic feel quite well, and the flashing lights and darkness, generic though they may be and even bothersome, are not completely without value in furthering this mood. All that said I obviously feel that the movie fails, and even worse, it tries too hard to be a couple of different genres at once and thus fails at several things simultaneously. It is nothing more than a ghost tale, but has an awkwardly overlapping demonic theme that is very strained and culminates in a kind of high level of stupidity, and also seems to be suggesting an other dimension quality that just does not carry itself out. The set is very good though, and someone with a budget and a lot of talent could really do something with it. Unfortunately it is wasted on this movie. Not THE worst movie I have ever watched, but I am content to see it at a 2 and no higher.
Adreanna Halapia Normally, I wouldn't write a bad review (I try to be a nice person) but this needed a warning label for others planning to watch. Honestly, I do NOT like "found footage" movies, they're annoying and hard to focus on. When I rented this, I had no clue that's what it was but when I popped it in to the player, I decided to give it a chance anyhow. Bad move. In the beginning, the guy used night vision to see in the cemetery and, as the inside of the building became darker, I began to wonder why they weren't using it in there? I understand effect and all but, really, there comes a point where watching a black screen with nothing but screaming and breathing is just...pathetic. The effect where they distort the camera when something just slightly good is happening (and by good I mean the characters getting attacked) just kept pissing me off. There were a few scenes, I will not specify, where I felt it had been ripped off from other movies. In the end, I shut this off and sat in place just plain confused. So, I was wondering, can anybody tell me what happened? Summary: Bad acting, bad filming, BAD MOVIE. I'm glad I only had to pay a dollar to rent this.
Moriaty Moriaty First 2/3 of movie i should say its for 5-6 solid points.The ending and that part in the church is something that just shouldn't be.BUT, the first 2/3 or first half of movie is OK and camera is all around but it creates story and scenes which in some found footage movies doesn't exist.I think if maybe ending was different it would be easily one of better found footage movies. At least for 5 stars.Scary factor, in some points very good. Especially middle of the film.Grave Encounters 2 for example scary factor almost non existent.Give it a go and judge yourself.For me top found footage movies definitely The tunnel and Grave Encounters first part.