Perfectly adorable
Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
This is a very funny yet touching comic drama about the weirdness of everyday life. Set in a small Bavarian community, it looks at the relationships within a dysfunctional all-male family. 11 year old Sebastian, known locally as der Chandler-bub (the baby of the Candler pub), is a lovable rascal, but his older brother blames him for their mother's death. Sebastian sets about trying to remedy the loss of his mother, because his guilt for this supposed crime, as well as other misdemeanors (watch out for a hilarious medieval courtroom dream sequence) weighs heavily with him. Markus Krojer lends the role of Sebastian a tremendous amount of warmth and believability. The rest of the cast are also excellent, with finely judged performances. Watch out for a delightful laundry scene involving Sebastian's father. The one real detraction is that I have not been able to get hold of a copy with English subtitles. My German is good, but this film is in Baiirish (Bavarian dialect), with High German subtitles. Copies with English subtitles are very rare.
I've just seen this awful movie and I'd like to say it's such a waste of time. The story is so uninteresting that the good acting doesn't matter anyway. The whole movie you're waiting to see something surprisingly - no way! The worst thing: the fact that it's made out of stereotypes and clichés makes it even worse than TV-trash with just something like storyline or charming characters. Somehow it makes me angry having seen this, so this comment
such a dumb piece of film! For the fact this is a Bavarian film, the heavy dialect seems just to suggest, that you are watching an authentic movie. What a fake! The little boy is acting well, there are funny scenes in it, but the whole time there are elements that are feeling so fake, that you ask yourself what kind of intellectual twist they were having in mind. Even the good photography helps feeling more bored - has do be well made, but it's not. One of my bottom #5, definitely!! Even worse than
no idea.
Gosh! I'm happy that I caught this one before it disappears out of German art-house cinemas, although, I have a feeling that the movie will move on to cult status, at least in Bavaria. Little Sebastian is a typical rascal, living in the Bavarian mountains with his dad an brother. His mother died when he was born, and one of these days, his older brother, in a fury, accuses him of killing their mom. Sebastian takes this very seriously and seeks a way to achieve redemption for his sin(s). The knowledge of being the cause of his mother's death (hitherto they had told him she died in an accident) mortifies him and he has only one goal: he must become immortal in order to avoid purgatory. He seeks help from adults, but the regulars at his fathers pub who are occasionally rehearsing an all male amateur dramatic performance there in the back room, aren't of help really. There suggestion: in order to become immortal he has to reproduce and to achieve this, ask a decent female to shag with him. Little does he know what that means, and so there he goes, asking his pretty teacher whether she would care to... The turbulence ensuing is nothing short of hilarious, and the actors' thick Bavarian accents are half the fun. In the end, Sebastian will provide a frail old lady on the verge of death with a last joyous moment, he will find a partner in crime in a pretty class mate, he will save a life, and he will find a get his dad a new love. Watch this movie while you can on the big screen or get the DVD as soon as it comes out. I laughed and cried at the cinema.This movie has just received the Bavarian Film Award as best picture. Congratulations Marcus H. Rosenmüller!
I can recommend this movie strongly to anybody, with or without Bavarian passions / roots. I am so glad that such movies still exist - in total contrast to recent Hollywood trash.I am not saying this as a Hollywood hater. No I do like films like "The Godfather" or "Casablanca" very much."Wer früher stirbt, ist länger tot" has a lot of black humor, a very good child actor, and displays funny Bavarian traditions.And, it is a very successful combination of sad tones with funny and positive vibes.Watch this, you won't be disappointed. Subtitles recommended for all Non-Bavarians ;-)