Granny O'Grimm's Sleeping Beauty
Granny O'Grimm's Sleeping Beauty
| 31 May 2008 (USA)
Granny O'Grimm's Sleeping Beauty Trailers

Granny O'Grimm, a seemingly sweet old lady, loses the plot as she tells her version of Sleeping Beauty to her terrified granddaughter.

Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Stephan Hammond It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Robert Reynolds This short was nominated for the Academy Award for Animated Short. There will be spoilers ahead:Granny O'Grimm is wound a little tightly and has some serious problems, to say the least. Her granddaughter is in bed on a stormy night, starting at noise and wide awake. This is unfortunate, because Granny comes in to tell her a bedtime story. The kid, no doubt having experienced this "charming" event before, pretends to be asleep, but Granny doesn't buy it and the poor kid has to listen to her take on Sleeping Beauty.The animation for the fairy tale itself is different from the animation for the framing device. Granny obviously has trouble separating her own personal frustrations and disappointments from the fairy tale. The fairy tale is largely recognizable as the familiar story, but Granny takes the opportunity to vent her frustrations through the fairy tale she's assaulting her granddaughter with, to the child's growing anxiety. Granny needs to take a chill pill, as she grows more hysterical and aggravated. Just as her anger reaches a crescendo, she realizes where she is and breaks off the story at a most inopportune point for the little girl, who may never fall asleep again.This short is available for viewing and download at iTunes and is well worth watching. Most recommended.
MartinHafer Tonight I went to the annual showing of the Oscar-nominated animated shorts at a local theater. They have been doing this for several years in the weeks before the Oscar winner is named. While I really, really enjoyed this film, however, I think it's probably not going to win the Oscar--partly because two other films are clearly better (LOGORAMA and THE OLD LADY AND THE REAPER) and partly because I am sure some will not like the way the film ended--though I adored it.The film begins in computer generated animation though parts of it are done in what appears to be a simple traditional style of animation. The grandmother and her grandchild are in CGI, the story she tells is traditional animation.The grandmother tells a very scared looking child HER version of Sleeping Beauty. Instead of the very traditional way, she paints the bad witch as the victim and ends the story with a horrible and violent ending--so much so that the child is probably traumatized for life. Because it ends so abruptly and strangely, I am sure it will put off some, but I found myself laughing out loud.The quality of the film is generally very, very good. The CGI is great though I must say the traditional animation was only fair. Still, it all worked very well and I can't wait to see more from the clever folks who made this.
Foux_du_Fafa Reading the nominations for the Best Animated Shorts this year, I decided to watch this nominee. On discovering it was Irish (I am of Irish ancestry and take pride in it), I was further enticed. The overall result is mixed yet generally positive."Granny O'Grimm's Sleeping Beauty" features an unfortunate grandchild forced to listen to a warped rendition of the classic fairy-tale by his deranged grandmother. Ultimately, there is not much structure to the piece, but it is quite funny for what it is.The two parts are contrasted in terms of their medium; the clips of the fairy-tale are told in bold Flash-style animation, whereas the frame is showcased in Pixar-style computer animation. The 2D animation is more successful than the 3D animation; the former is simple and works well on a modest budget, whereas the 3D animation suffers a bit and does seem a bit gummy. Needless to say, this is a nice little short, even if it seems unlikely to snatch the Oscar that it's been nominated for.
elsinefilo Granny O'Grimm is apparently a cute old lady and her granddaughter is a terrified little buddy waiting for her grandma for her bedtime story. Even before the story begins she is already too scared to enjoy the story. I assumer she already knows what kind of a story teller her grandma is. According to what I have read on the net, the character Granny is inspired by a character in Irish writer Kathleen O'Rourke's stand-up comedy show. The granny has such long and upright hair, a style looks like Marge's blue beehive hairstyle in Simpsons. Though she looks calm,sweet and non-cantankerous she shows her real face when she starts reading "Sleeping Beauty" in her version. She creates her own world of fairies where they are badgered by an old woman who was forgotten long ago. The animation looks pretty artistic though you may need a bit of knowledge about Kathleen O'Rourke's writing and Grimm fairy tales. The granny's bursting out the story in her own bitterness and resentment doesn't really look pleasing either. If you are not into dark short movies you won't like it.
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