PG | 09 May 1987 (USA)
Gor Trailers

American professor Tarl Cabot is transported via a magical ring to planet Gor, where he must help an oppressed country overthrow its evil king and his barbarian henchmen.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
sychonic Much like the other commenters, my view is that this movie is bilge. Really it's not much different than those sword and sorcery movies that were inspired by the Conan the Barbarian movies -- this is more like Conan the Destroyer than the infinitely superior first film.There are so many flaws, and they have been mentioned in detail in other comments, they can't all be listed, it would use up the word maximum.Suffice it to say that this is in the area of "Ator the Fighting Eagle" style flicks, very low budget, no talent to speak of in the direction or cast, and the writing is atrocious.It is too bad, it appears the makers figured they could make the same movie, with the silly comic relief, that they've made dozens of times before, slap the "Gor" name on it, and people would watch it if they were into the books.The Gor books do merit a movie, and the makers wouldn't even need too large a budget, though it would help since the world Norman created is quite intricate. And yes, the sexual aspect can be pretty adult in the books, the latter ones anyway. But the first few are pretty tame in that regard.Still, a reasonably budgeted R-rated movie with a talented director (get Milius!) could have been made and would likely been successful.
rams_lakers Very sad how they turned a couple of fantastic books into a travesty of a movie. The movies did not do these books justice. Terrible acting, awful screenplay, and inferior directing with not-so-special effects. Sesame Street caliber. Very disappointing ..... this movie could've, and SHOULD'VE, been so much better.The first book was the best. The unknowing hero (Tarl) is plucked from earth to a similar planet on the other side of the sun, and trained be a great warrior. He encounters various fantastic creatures, an evil ruler, beautiful scantily clad women, and a civilization that considers him an outlaw since he "belongs" to no city. The planet is run by the powerful yet mysterious Priest-Kings, who set a limit on advancement and keep the world in a quasi-medieval age. They live up in a huge mountain that is seemingly impossible to breach. No one has seen them, although many have witnessed their fury when a rule is broken.The first 3 books are in my collection. That's all I wanted out of the 20-something books by John Norman. After the 3rd, where Tarl goes up the mountain to defiantly confront the Priest-Kings, there really didn't need to be more.The series began to drop off considerably after that. Women were mostly slaves throughout the series of books. In the 2nd book one of the main female characters was leader of a city, while a few others in the first 5 were aggressive and headstrong. They weren't all submissive all of the time, which provided a few well-timed surprises. The only thing that bored me was Norman's endless descriptions of Gor's culture. This slowed the pace that kept me interested, so I just bypassed those parts when I ran into them. I'm sure a few nerds chose to get involved in the entire culture, similar to many in the Star Trek universe who got into speaking Klingon.I read up to book 5 and wasn't too impressed with the 4th and 5th. The stories became repetitive with Tarl being captured (again!) and Norman got really hardcore with the female slave subject. Just too over the top in my opinion. The rest of the series is worthless after the 1st 3, I wouldn't take any of the later books even if someone offered them for free.I absolutely LOATHE remakes, but if EVER a movie or series of movies needed to be remade, it's these. No list of big names needed, I'd be happy with all unknowns if they did it right. With the special effects of today, we could witness a wonderful story brought to the big screen (the right way!), and the majestic Tarns in glorious flight.A generous 2 stars out of 10. Let's see someone try this again, please.
mtillman-2 While the novels are a view of one man learning to exist in another society, the movie is about imposing the views of our society into another. The only thing true to the novels in the movie is that the names are the same, but even the names aren't accurately applied to characters. The alliances in the novels are between men while in the movie the alliances are non-existent or fraudulent. The characters in the novels are very well-developed but in the movie they fail to bring out many of the character traits that make them important in the novels. All-in-all, it seemed to me someone wrote a B-movie and needed a source for names. They used names from a novel that was relatively not well-known and so whether the plot matched or not was of little concern.
massive_death Man, oh man. This movie pushes the limits of badness. I can't imagine anyone watching this movie for any reason but to laugh at it. As a comedy, this is great. Witness classic moments such as when the heroes just jump into a cart being dragged across the desert, in plain view of the enemy soldiers, and nobody notices! This is a great movie to watch with a bunch of friends, especially if you like to hear your friends howling with laughter. And then, after the flick's over, you can tell them a great joke: There are people for whom Gor is a sexual fetish. And then, the punchline is that you aren't kidding.