Going Off Big Time
Going Off Big Time
| 21 September 2000 (USA)
Going Off Big Time Trailers

After surviving prison, a man has to forge a career in the crime world

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
RyothChatty ridiculous rating
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Pete Jones This film is a very welcome break from big-budget silly pseudo gangster nonsense like Rocknrolla or the usual vacuous Hollywood fare that we've come to expect. With a refreshingly understated narration by the ever impressive Neil Fitzmaurice, the film is mostly a flashback, which makes you want to keep watching until the whole thing is 'resolved'. Good performances all the way through, the low budget is not too apparent, and there are some very memorable scenes, without the film trying to hard to impress. I would say that this film is well worth adding to your collection, and it's even watchable with your girlfriend, as its strengths are in the plot and atmosphere, rather than macho antics or mindless violence. After it's over, you are left thinking about it, which doesn't always happen with this kind of production. SEE IT!
geordie_joe I am no critic and don't butter things up with long words i just burped up after swallowing a library full off dictionaries. So here goes, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me Bob.....This has got to be one of the most overlooked gangster movies of all time. And why? I have no idea.... This has got to be one of those films you never here about ever, i quite happily could have gone along till the end of days, thinking that the best English gangster films are all based around nasty little cockneys. That was until my mate Ant said "have a butchers at this and tell me what you think". How wrong could i have been.This film is based around a group of Scousers who start off in prison as nobodys and end up taking over the drug scene of Liverpool's clubland. This movie is very gritty at times, and shows the inside of prison from a frightened young mans perspective. The horrible reality of male sexual assault is very graphic and the issues surrounding it are quite disturbing, but don't let that put you off.The other side of this movie is like a flip of a coin. From Drama and grit, a hilarious side spews fourth engulfing you in fits and spasms of uncontrolable laughter, that will make the neighbors think your completely off your box (watch out for the kidnapping story and the drug dealing ice cream van saga) Superb!!I've watched the lock stocks, The Clockwork Oranges and the Gangster Number 1's and can easily say this is well up there with them.If you love crime stories, watch this and you'll be soon walking around threatening people with a Scouse accent. (and there's nowt wrong with a scouse accent)Thanx AntEnjoy =+)
CharltonBoy Over the last 10 years there have many British crime movies , some fantastic and some not so good.Considering i had never heard of Going Of Big Time i was very impressed with the stylish thriller. Set in Liverpool we see the rise of a once innocent liverpudlian turn into a top gangster,which ultimately leads to disaster. I was i little weary of this when i saw it was set in Liverpool simply because there is no more irritating accent in the british Isles as the scally scouse accent and it can be very annoying. I'm please to say it is not the case in this movie. One thing i hate when reading reviews of British crime movies is that they always have to compare it to Lock,Stock and Two Smoking Barrels which is very unfair .That film is the bench mark and there has only been one film that has come close to matching it and that is the other Guy Ritchie film , Snatch. While this is no Lock, stock it is an above average thriller that will be enjoyed by anybody who loves the Genre. 8 out of 10
DRaakje The movie is a nice piece of art. Original not boring. Until the ending of this movie i would give it a 9, but when i saw the ending, I changed into a 7. It left a bitter taste in my mouth...
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