Gnomes and Trolls: The Secret Chamber
Gnomes and Trolls: The Secret Chamber
| 06 April 2010 (USA)
Gnomes and Trolls: The Secret Chamber Trailers

Junior, a teenage gnome, wants nothing more than to invent gizmos and gadgets in his tree-house laboratory. But Junior's old school father, Jalle, the head gnome of the forest, would prefer his son follow in his footsteps and one day be in charge of his own forest. In spite of their differences, on the eve of the first winter storm Junior helps Jalle distribute food rations. Then disaster strikes.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Irena Holli Let me first write this, the movie does not match 150 million dollar blockbusters by the giants like Disney or 20th Century Fox, instead, its a cute family movie targeting the smaller children.I have watched it several times with my two daughters, on DVD. They enjoyed it as much as I did.We have watched it several times, and although it doesn't match the mega blockbusters, its still a cute and funny movie to enjoy with your kids.It also shows Nordic mythologies, teach kids values etc.The the young kid, Junior, who is our hero, tries new ways to do things right, and we really enjoyed how he tried to put things right.Enjoy!
mumandkids Was easier to watch the second time. A lot of the action and scenery looked similar so you had to listen hard to the script to get a lot of the jokes and understand what was happening. Even after the second time (though I wasn't watching as closely as the kids) it was hard to know the names.Visuals exciting if a little messy, but lots of things unexplained or not explained clearly- a little more back info on the characters would have given them more depth. Why are the gnomes and trolls in the forest and why do they fight each other? Bipolar hedgehog, very bizarre character- why is he like this? And as a previous review said, the boy lying and taking something from his father should have been addressed and apologised for by the boy somewhere in the 'moral of the story'.We hired this movie (hence watching it 2-3 times) but would not intentionally choose to hire it again, may be interesting to see if the 'Forest Trial' movie (2010) is a good follow-on though.
jloo4061 The story is set in Scandinavian forest. Young junior struggles to go his own path, but his father wants him to follow his path. This is small White Shark's first CG movie, and I cannot say more than "Im impressed". CG movies has been until today only produced by large studios with 100million+ budget.This movie was produced for less than three (3?) million, and it still keeps the kids stuck to the screen for 75 minutes. My two children loved it, and my younger son wanted to see it again. It's not a movie for the teenage kid, but rather for a 5-7 year old. The music is fantastic, with a great atmosphere.If i would to put any negative, then the trolls are a bit scare for the younger kids, but that is of course a troll! The facials are also not the best and it feels sometimes as it was not put too much love about the expressions. But then again, with the small budget, i can understand this.Regarding the animations, its OK, not a Kung-Fu Panda or a Bolt, but then not worse than any other mid-budget movie. I would say the animations are like Ice Age or Valiant.Its a different movie and Im excited to see what this young studio will come up with in the future. A bit slow in the beginning, but definitely picks up the pace at the end.I give it 7 out of 10.
emil_bohman I found this movie pretty entertaining, and I bet will become a favorite among the children. The plot is simple and the characters are fun and interesting. I especially enjoyed the trolls in this movie. They are very funny with their charming stupidity, and I think the animations of the trolls look better than those of the gnomes...The overall animations do, understandably, not match the productions of Pixar and Dreamworks, but that doesn't really bother me much. There's a warm fuzzy feeling about this movie that just can't be ignored. It exudes of joy and happiness! Definitely a good debut by Swedish producers White Shark.Go watch it with your kids, they will surely love it! 8/10