Glass Trap
Glass Trap
| 02 August 2005 (USA)
Glass Trap Trailers

When an army of radioactive ants are unknowingly carted into a skyscraper, a group of people have to find a way out before they're eaten one by one.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
wonderflash11 Astonoshing acting! Phenomenal directing! and an amazingly well brought out film! Realistic killer ants invade a new york office building, and it's occupants are doomed! Ik you're into horror, many die from the killer attacks of the giant ants, if you're into action watch as the office workers fight off ants and suspend themselves across buildings in order to save their lives. If you're into romance, enjoy the passionate and romantic intimacy shared between the Janitor and an executives assistant. This movie is the full package! I HIGHLY recommend this movie and think that EVERYBODY should see it! 11/10 stars!!!!
Phillemos I've "watched" this movie twice on SciFi Channel now. Both times I end up getting some badly needed household chores done around the condo, because this movie just doesn't hold your interest. It sounds like a compelling enough premise: genetically altered ants are transported into a city skyscraper and terrorize some unfortunate souls who got roped into weekend duty in the building's offices/lobby. It's just a very slow, suspense-less movie. And if it's going to be slow and suspense-less, you need interesting characters. These characters are as dull and lifeless as the movie. There aren't even any hot actresses (one of them is reasonably attractive). Finally, you can't even say this is a 2004 homage to the '50s cult classic "Them," because the ants are actually not really that big (about the size of a medium-sized dog). And since you never see more than three of them at a time, and they show no evidence of spitting poison or some other otherworldly power, you just feel like everyone in the movie ought to be able to beat the s*** out of these ants anyway and just go home.
DrMongol I just watched this fine piece of entertainment and I must say that it's one of the best films that I have seen in a very long time. The premise is truly original. It features some great performances by veteran actors and even C. Thomas Howell! The special effects were truly mind-blowing and unique. It's so refreshing to see a movie without the use of CGI these days. I can't praise this film enough. Do yourself a favor and go see it. Earlier in the day I was contemplating suicide, but when I flipped to the Sci-Fi channel and started watching Glass Trap I remembered how great life really is. Glass Trap saved my life, it could save yours too. rofl
micahmatt I viewed this film and was shocked by how utterly horrible it was. I knew it was a B movie, but this was below even that. The special effects were terrible.The DVD jacket looked really good. It looked professional. That was the first impression that this film was worth seeing. Don't let the jacket fool you. This film isn't even worth picking up.The movie started out the way every B movie would, but I had good expectations for this film. The story was good at first, showing a plantation owner looking for his workers. The film got even better, when they showed a gory picked-to-the-bone skeleton. I thought, "this is going to be good!" But my anticipation shrank when the first shot of the menacing critters flashed to my television screen. The large ants were very obviously plastic, and were being controlled by a human arm. I expected some CG effects to be completely honest. The movement of the ants reminded me immediately of Kermit the Frog. The gore was poor in quality. Usually, in a horror flick, you expect to see a good amount of blood, but in this film there were splatters. They were quite small and weren't very convincing. And the gory bodies left around from the ants were the same prop, used in different scenes. It became quite repetitive very quickly.The acting was poor. It seemed the actors were hired off the street. But, what can I say. Most B movies have poor acting. But, this was one to remember. These people see these giant ants coming up the stairs, and all they have to say is. "That's a big ant!" It should have been a terrified scream. The acting was almost deliberately terrible.Overall, this film was very poor. Most 1950's horror flicks packed more of a punch than this film. Glass Trap was painful to watch. If you want to see a good movie, Glass Trap isn't the way to go.