Girls Against Boys
Girls Against Boys
R | 01 February 2013 (USA)
Girls Against Boys Trailers

After a series of bad experiences with men, Shae teams up with her co-worker, Lu, who has a simple, deadly way of dealing with the opposite sex.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Michael Ledo Shae (Danielle Panabaker) is a student who studies male fantasies and how they view women as objects. She is hurt by an older male boyfriend who patches things up with his separated wife for the sake of his three year old daughter. Distraught, Shae is taken under the wing of a somewhat psychotic Lulu or Lu (Nicole LaLiberte) a woman straight out of a Billy Joel song..."She can carelessly cut you and laugh while you're bleeding."On the rebound, she goes out with Lu and gets involved in a situation where "No" doesn't carry any meaning. With the aid of Lulu, they go on a killing spree, after which you wonder where this movie will go. Unlike so many films in this genre, it smartly brings it home.The film brought to mind "Shame" and "Compliance" two recent films sold as being "disturbing and thought provoking" which are nothing more than perv films. This one is the opposite. It is sold as a perv film, but is really more thought provoking as it looks into psyche of sexes and the way they view each other and what women would do if they could get away with it.This film ignores plot continuity points such as body disposal, clean up, or the police investigating the homicides. This is a theme driven film, not plot driven. Most people won't like it. I enjoyed the small clever aspects of this film. The slow motion scene of the smoke leaving the gun, or the young girl riding by with vampire teeth as a way to say, "what roles are we subconsciously teaching our children." The policeman with the straw irritatingly sipping from a cup. Lu speaking at the Tarantino restaurant "explaining" the film theme. At the end there is a small insert of Lulu smoking a cigarette that brought the film home. Bravo Austin Chick for making a feminist slasher film into a subliminal art work. I appreciate what you did.Parental Guide: F-bomb, off screen rape, sexual scenes, nudity (Nicole LaLiberte)
alimine Amazing about the gender war experienced by women in a male dominated society without being preachy. Definitely worth a watch. Not a chick flick or action, or even a horror (unless you're a guy who doesn't respect women). Very serious and intense. There's a lot of hidden context, and at times, shows how differently a woman has to view the world for their safety (especially if you take a scene and switch the genders, since this would end in very different actions from the characters, eg, the section after the Captain Crunch scene).Brilliant movie about the gender war experienced by women in a male dominated society without being preachy. Has a lot of hidden context. Definitely recommended.One of those movies you shouldn't miss, and should probably show your daughters/sisters.
Woodyanders Fed up with being mistreated by men, meek college student Shae (a solid and appealing performance by the gorgeous Danielle Panabaker) joins forces with uninhibited wild girl Lulu (a dynamic and mesmerizing portrayal by luscious redhead Nicole LaLiberte) to wage war on all the evil scumbag guys who have wronged them. Writer/director Austin Chick certainly has his heart in the right place with this feminist treatise on a misogynistic society, but alas stacks the deck way too much by presenting almost every last male character as a detestable creep. Moreover, the meandering narrative, sluggish pace, and glum tone make this film quite a heavy-going chore to slog through. Worse yet, Chick generates precious little tension and fails to properly follow through on the edgy potential of the promising premise by having the violence either occur off screen or displaying disappointing restraint when comes to the gore. The lame and obvious "surprise" twist ending doesn't help matters much as well. Fortunately, the strong chemistry between the two leads keeps the movie watchable, Chick shows a real flair for striking stylish visuals (Kat Westergaard's sharp cinematography is stunning throughout), and Nathan Larson's moody score hits the brooding spot. A strictly so-so film.
kosmasp This is a revenge movie ... or is it? There might be more to it, than you first think. Of course it's also something that people might feel cheated about. Why try to make something more intellectual than it is? But it does put/shed new light on the rest of the movie. You can decide how to see or observe some of the scenes. One might say it warrants a second viewing too.The acting is solid, though we do get a few clichés thrown our way. And as stated the ending might not win you over to its cause yet. There is blood and violence and some minor nudity. There is also a very obvious hint at the beginning of the movie, that actually is followed by a flashback. Is it too smart, not smart enough? It has its flaws (emotional detachment being amongst them), but you can watch it, if you like those kind of movies (doesn't matter if you're a girl or not)