The Shunning
The Shunning
| 16 April 2011 (USA)
The Shunning Trailers

Beautiful Katie Lapp has always felt something missing in her simple Amish existence -- until a mysterious "Englisher" comes to Lancaster County looking for the baby girl she gave up for adoption 19 years ago.

Wordiezett So much average
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
ksf-2 The film opens with someone riding through the countryside in a limo, past the amish farms and farmers. The lady in the limo hands an envelope to one of the amish women, and requests that she only give it to the intended recipient, and amish girl. When the recipient's parents open the letter instead, things start to go wrong. The young amish girl has been promised to the local amish bigshot, but we eavesdrop on her flashback of her first love, so we can see that she is not happy with the wedding plan.This is pretty much a chick flick, and it has some mistakes. When she buries her guitar, there is a giant hole in the ground for her guitar case, but just a small bit of dirt beside it... and the leaves at the edge of the hole are not even disturbed. In addition, there are many small details that are not correct in a story about the amish. Apparently this is just the first part of a trilogy, so we should not expect all issues to be resolved....It's a very heavy, sad, serious story. One hopes that if the rest of the trilogy is made into movies, things turn out a tad more happy and upbeat for "Katie", the central character in the story. In this one, things go downhill for her throughout the movie. Directed by Michael Landon Jr, who seems to direct a lot of films for Hallmark Channel.
sdaven5191 Today is the first opportunity I have had to watch this movie, and so far I am in the middle of it and enjoying it a great deal. HOWEVER, there is one glaring error made in costuming the actors who are playing the parts of the Amish people.All sects of Amish and most sects of Mennonites do not wear any kind of jewelry whatsoever, including and especially wedding bands. I have so far seen four actors playing Amish parts wearing gold wedding bands. The actor playing Katie's father is wearing a very wide gold band, and the mother has on a narrower band. The older Amish lady Katie goes to talk to early on after she has found out about her parentage is also wearing a gold wedding band, and another hand was seen wearing one, but I'm not sure who it belonged to because of the way the scene was shot and edited.This should be something that is very basic to know about the Amish people, if one does even the most basic research on how these people live and worship. Strongly recommend that much closer attention be paid to such details if future productions are being planned.
eeyore89-36-332271 Having read all the books in the series, I was really looking forward to this movie. Many people have complained about the fact that this movie did not follow the books. I think most movies that are made from books are quited different from the books themselves. Still, even though the book and the movie were quite different from each other I thought the movie was wonderful! The characters were very believable and if you just enjoy the movie without thinking of the book I think you will find it extremely enjoyable. I myself hope they continue on with the series and make each one into a movie. Even the Love's series by Janet Oke were quite different once put into a movie. Still, it is a great family movie and one that the whole family can watch without blushing or worrying about language. I am thankful for movies like this that prove you can have a good movie without all the trash. Keem em coming!!
nmckeon Absolutely lovely story about the coming of age of a young adopted woman. Especially impressed with the performances of Danielle Panabaker, who really nailed the Amish accent, and newcomer David Topp, who I hope will be brought back in what is sure to be a series of wonderful, family friendly movies. We are looking forward to the rest of the series.Would like to congratulate Michael Landon Jr. for choosing a terrific cast and crew, the beautiful filming of the movie makes it even more enjoyable. Also enjoyed the look inside the Amish culture, and, while I realize it may not all be exactly accurate, it is a compelling story which kept our whole family interested. We will be very disappointed if Hallmark does not decide to continue and finish the series. Would really like to see the same cast back for continuity, and because they were all really great!
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