Girl Slaves of Morgana Le Fay
Girl Slaves of Morgana Le Fay
| 17 February 1971 (USA)
Girl Slaves of Morgana Le Fay Trailers

Two French girls get lost in the woods and accidentally enter the realm of sorceress Morgana Le Fay - who gives them the choice of either staying young forever as her lovers, or rot in a dungeon for eternity.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
michellelocke007 purchased this previously censored french erotic/horror/fantasy film after viewing the trailer from mondo macabro. didn't have any high expectations for this film but after viewing was pleasantly surprised by how much i enjoyed it. a very simplistic storyline which can be slow and trodding at times if not for the presence of many beautiful, European starlets. francoise and anna the two main characters at the start of the film are on vacation and taking a road trip when their car has engine trouble and breaks down. they decide to spend the night in a deserted barn and like so many erotic films before have a romp in the haystack. in the morning however, francoise awakes to find anna missing and goes out looking for her. it is her that she is approached by a dwarf by the name of gurth who takes her through the forest before stopping at the sea where boat conveniently awaits to take francoise across to a castle. upon reaching the castle she is welcomed by a trio of beautiful young sirens dressed in flowing almost sheer gowns as they take her into the castle to be introduced to the lady of the house. it is here that francoise meets the sorceress morgana le fay. and she is stunningly beautiful and has may striking physical features played coolly and icy by dominique delpierre. the six lead actresses are stunning to look at. while not a lot goes on in this move, there is enough eye candy, nudity and countless love scenes to keep the viewer interested. the director said when he was casting for the extras he had to find women who were not ashamed of performing nude scenes with one another. he said he enjoyed shooting and directing the many lesbian love scenes because he wanted those scenes to be tender and loving...nothing vulgar or pornographic. the many scenes shot of the french countryside are stunning and breathtaking and i thought the director had a real eye for detail. an original piece of film making though it is for certain tastes and audiences.
doctorsmoothlove Before you read this review, please familiarize yourself with the wonderful world of Mondo Macabro. They are a DVD label that specializes in releasing older obscure fantasy, science fiction, and horror films in North America and the United Kingdom. I've encountered the great films of Mexican director Juan López Moctezuma through them. Not everything they release is worth being discovered, though. Occasionally, a dud from forty years ago miraculously gets a special edition release. The following review is of one of those duds, and I might as well write on it since I will never see it again. If you have Netflix, consider getting Moctezuma's "Alucarda" and "The Mansion of Madness" before they become unavailable.Morgane et ses nymphes (translated as Girl Slaves of Morgana Le Fay) was released in European cinemas in 1971, during the erotic craze. It was another movie made for very little money hoping to empty the pockets of its young male audiences. Mainstream nudity was still a decade or so away, even in Europe, so people had to quietly sneak around to watch films like this. Making a good erotic film sounds a lot easier than it is. Beyond seeing lubricious women fondle things (preferably each other), an underlining plot has to be there. Otherwise the movie becomes boring, and making a boring sex flick is deplorable.Girl Slaves won't do as erotic film, and the problem lies with the filmmakers. On the DVD extras, director Bruno Gantillon says that he wanted the film to be "high art." See if you can reconcile these two: making a "high art" film for people who have only sexual interest in seeing the film. It can't be done, and the director deserves the blame for deceiving his audience. We see this pretentiousness manifest itself early when the protagonists are forced to spend the night in an abandoned building. They sleep close to each other but nothing happens beyond that. Why shouldn't we have seen something? The women find themselves at a magical castle inhabited by the titular Morgane and her beautiful captives. Morgane exists in the world of bad screenplays where issues like motivation for doing, well anything and plot progression don't exist. They are suggestive grooming sequences and interpretive dance. Morgane possesses the ability to transport herself. Some occasional nudity throughout this middle section would have helped a whole lot. It would have made the film more honest. Eventually we learn that prospective slaves may be granted eternal life in Morgane's harem or live out the remainder of their lives in the dungeon where they will become old and ugly. Gantillon fetishizes youth to extreme measures by placing the camera close to the face of old women several times. Again, it really hinders building any kind of atmosphere, which can substitute for nudity if done properly.We finally see the expected girl-girl scene, and it is ineffective due to some crazy idea of rapid cutting. There is one that lasts long enough to satisfy, if only the characters hadn't met only a few moments earlier. Gantillon actually succumbs to the lowbrow necessity of proving love scenes and fails to make them meaningful by just thrusting them in there. It would be refreshing if we actually had a dramatic, progressive narrative spliced with teases and a relieving payoff.The movie isn't stylistically better either. It doesn't appear that Gantillon spent time designing sets. His costume designer had to compensate for this lack of effort by providing unnecessarily weird outfits to be unfortunately worn too often. He also cast a dwarf actor to serve as Morgane's caretaker and unreciprocated love interest. Incompetence and exploitation are combined in Girl Slaves.Not Recommended
Anthony Pittore III (Shattered_Wake) Synopsis: Two sexy French twentysomethings, Françoise (Mireille Saunin) and Anna (Michéle Perello), come across a dilapidated castle which houses an evil (I guess) witch, Morgane Le Fey (Dominique Delpierre); her team of hot Girl Slaves; and her random huchbacked dwarf minion, Gurth (Alfred Baillou). The witch captures Françoise and Anna and forces them to decide: become Morgane's immortal sex slaves. . . or rot (as ugly old women) in the witch's dungeon for eternity.Review: 'Girl Slaves of Morgana Le Fay' is probably one of THE most frustrating erotic horrors I've ever seen in my life. Much of the 'erotic' part of the film is gorgeous French girls (mostly redheads) making out, touching, etc., but most of those scenes only last for a minute or two, or they're intercut with random shots of creepy Gurth's face. And, let me tell you, when you're in the mood for an erotic horror film about hot French witch slaves, you do not want to be seeing Gurth, who looks like Zelda from Pet Sematary. The film is very aptly done. The direction and writing are surprisingly good in comparison to some of the other 70s erotic horrors. The acting isn't too shabby, either. It does get boring at times, especially during the random interpretive dance scenes (?). It's mostly, however, a classically done erotic fantasy-horror. Unlike many films like this, it actually works well as a real story & film. . . even if you removed all of the eroticism.Final Verdict: 6/10.
armandcbris This was, admittedly, a film I picked up for the titillation factor, since I enjoy the sight of women from the 70's in their natural, undressed Euro glory.However, this film was done in such a way as to find me enjoying it throughout, despite my initial misgivings. Granted, I don't think it's the greatest movie ever, but the settings and the "fairy-tale" feel of it I found to be quite good, and the erotic elements were considerably enjoyable. The dialogue also wasn't as cheesy as I was expecting, which is always a good thing, considering many similar films of that era can't escape those faults.The DVD is quite good, the quality of the picture is excellent, and includes a good interview with the director, Bruno Gantillon. Recommended for fans of 70's erotica and fantasy.