| 29 January 2003 (USA)
Ginostra Trailers

An FBI Agent from America and his bride and young child travel to the Sicilian island of Ginostra to solve the murder of a key witness.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Richard_vmt A film using an active volcano as a backdrop for a drama is an original idea but it is about all that is good in this film. This is sure to be Andie McDowell's worst film and probably everyone else's in the cast. The story line is impossible to follow and not worthy of suspense anyway. The character of the boy, Ettore, is too heroic for a man let alone a boy. Since such heroes invariably prove irresistible to the ladies, I half expected a nymphomania-cal McDowell to take him on, overlooking his age. My depravity was bred out of boredom. There were all sorts of extra cast members whose roles and motives were difficult to establish. The nuns called to mind the witches of Macbeth, but the suggestion of occult, if intended, also led nowhere. This is a film which has no real drama. The end is the only relief.
Claudio Carvalho In Italy, in the Sicilian island of Ginostra, Matt Benson (Harvey Keitel) is a FBI agent assigned for the protection and investigation of Ettore Greco (Mattia de Martino), the son of Stefano Greco, a cooker of the Mafia executed with his family by one of the local boss. The boy witnessed the crime and Matt wants also to find out who has double-crossed him in the protection of the boy's father. This long story is very boring, having a confused screenplay without credibility. Who could imagine an experienced American agent, who does not speak Italian, bringing his family for a period of vacation in Mafia territory while performing an important investigation of a crime committed by one of the mobster boss? The great cast and the beautiful `sightseeing' of wonderful landscapes in the Italian islands and the gorgeous eyes and lips of Francesca Neri exhaustively showed by the director Manuel Pradal is not enough to make this movie attractive. My vote is five.Title (Brazil): ` O Vulcão Ginostra' (` The Volcano Ginostra')
Stephen O'Connell I saw this movie at the Toronto Filmfest and had such high hopes... soon to be dashed. The plot is both confused and boring, leaving the audience incapable of identifying with the characters. The backdrop of an erupting volcano tries to give the film tension but merely confuses the storyline. Harvey Keitel manages to make some of the movie at least watchable but this movie rated high on the numb-bum-omiter... for a movie pegged at 135 mins it felt like 4 hours.The whole audience was left in stunned silence at the end of the movie. When the Q and A started the director was asked "what were the evil nuns about? " he didn't seem to know what they were there for either... I'd like to think it was a nod to Monty Python ;-)
Proud_Canadian I saw it at the Toronto Film Festival. It sounded good on paper: Harvey Keitel plays a F.B.I. agent protecting the son of a murdered informant in Italy and Andie McDowell is his wife. I like Harvey Keitel but it felt like he was sleep walking through this film. There was no chemistry between him and Andie McDowell and she seemed more like window dressing than a solid female character. The film was slow and didn't lead to anywhere. You couldn't get into the characters and didn't care about them either way. Some of the Italian scenery was interesting but couldn't compensate for the weak script and poor editing.
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