Ghwa the Last Name
Ghwa the Last Name
| 01 July 2023 (USA)
Ghwa the Last Name Trailers

4 siblings come to the house where their deceased father lived alone. These 4 are the descendants of the last remaining Ghwa clan. But the heir Kyung Su announce that he never marry, so their family name ‘Ghwa’ is in danger of extinction. Kyung Sil, who insists on inheriting the generation, is arguing with her younger siblings for half a day, and Kyung Hwa suddenly asks for father’s inheritance.

GetPapa Far from Perfect, Far from Terrible
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
GarnettTeenage The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.