Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow
Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow
NR | 01 July 1959 (USA)
Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow Trailers

A group of drag-racing fanatics, members of a Los Angeles club, move into an old deserted mansion and set up shop, making it their headquarters. They hold a Halloween masked ball for the club's grand opening, and invite everyone to come dressed as their favorite monster! Oddly enough, the festivities turn sour when one of the bright youths discovers an impostor among them in the form of an honest-to-gosh live monster who's been hogging all the dances with the best-looking girls

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
MrGKB ...Fifties drive-in flick you could hope to see, as pure an example of the early output of that supreme ginch-meister distributor, American International Pictures, as you could hope for. Featuring a risible screenplay with some of the goofiest dialog imaginable ("Don't boil!"), equally laughable and indifferent direction, production values that only The Three Stooges could love, and acting chops straight out of the "I Love Lucy/Donna Reed" playbook, "Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow" manages to fail on every count while still providing mucho unintentional amusement. Thankfully, it's barely an hour long. Currently "free" on Amazon Prime, it's undoubtedly out there equally cheap on platforms like YouTube. Need a sleeping pill? Here ya go! Truly, I should have rated it much lower, but somehow it struck my funny bone in all the right (or wrong) ways.
Art Vandelay This isn't a drag-racing movie. Nor is it a ghost movie. It's not even a rock 'n' roll movie. This is some kind of Eisenhower-era fantasia about white suburbia where the kids are so white, so square, so dull, so clean-cut, so boring it makes Happy Days look like a Quentin Tarantino movie by comparison. Why is the old guy hanging around so much? Is he writing some sort of feature-length Sports Illustrated piece on hot-rodding? Jeez, and the parents watching over the party. If my parents stood over my party like that I'd kill myself in a car crash. And what's with the daughter slinking over the couch and draping her legs over daddy's knees. Yikes. I was hoping a black guy would make a cameo and we'd get to see one of the characters sh-- their pants in panic.
incorrigableaz I thought the movie was fun. I would like to see it again. I would think about buying it if I knew where to get it. Thats how much I enjoyed it. ENJOYED IT. My Sister and I have brought it up a lot over the years. We would often say Polly want a cracker and just laugh. We would then have to explain where that came from. At that time for our age, it scared us in some spots and made us laugh in others. The bird was a riot. Some of our friends also have fond memories of this movie. I remember we woke our Mother up with our antics while watching it. She was not please as she had to work the next day. I have told my children about it and they would like to see it to.
Lee Eisenberg "Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow" was one of the many '50s movies about hot-rodding teens encountering the supernatural. In this case, the teens can't pay the rent for their hangout and get evicted. With nowhere else to go, they decide on an apparently haunted house. As you may have guessed, once they arrive, some weird things start happening. And there's a twist at the end.There's nothing in this movie that you haven't seen in other movies, but it's nice entertainment nonetheless. My favorite character was the foul-mouthed parrot. Well, let me rephrase that: he didn't talk like a character in a Quentin Tarantino movie, but he said things that we don't expect out of a bird. The movie's pure hokum, but harmless.