Ghost House
Ghost House
| 21 July 2017 (USA)
Ghost House Trailers

A young couple go on an adventurous vacation to Thailand only to find themselves haunted by a malevolent spirit after naively disrespecting a Ghost House.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
zdog-36810 The acting in this film is cringe worthy and the plot is nothing special. Also what is with the unnecessary 'bedroom' scenes and nudity in horror films recently? I could barely make it through to the end but I do not like leaving things unfinished.
ElPollito ... is a big fat white American "shaman" calling another American a "man of the West". Priceless!Apart from that, this film is one giant unoriginal cliché.
Ian Rupert This really wasn't bad. I've seen way worse when picking random Netflix horror movies. The boyfriend was annoying, but the rest of the acting wasn't bad. There were a few good jump scares. Nothing new here as far as the "Ghost attaches itself to person and friends must find out how to banish it" story. Instead of a video tape here, we have "Ghost Houses". I was entertained on a night where I couldn't find anything else to watch.
jenncarter-13193 While the subject of Thai spirit houses makes for an interesting story line, that is the only positive thing I have to say about this movie. The creative team appears to have done their job - the camera shots provide a lot of visual interest and seem to have been well planned, the dialogue itself isn't bad - the actors are simply failing to make the script convincing.It's difficult to find a likable character - Julie is childish and insipid and Jim is condescending and abrasive. All of the actors seem to be playing a separate game of "who can be the most stereotypical?".The director threw in some sex scenes that do nothing to further the plot, they are just *there*. It also glosses over the human trafficking crisis in southeast Asia with a flashy visit to the red light district - which again, it doesn't do much to further the plot, just adds another element to make the characters even more unlikable.Altogether it's a sad repeat of more of the same - a horror film with a promising premise but is dragged down by the actors and by thinking that a little T&A will make the viewers ignore the trainwreck happening on screen.4/10 stars - Plus points for some beautiful camera shots and an interesting antagonist, minus points for bad acting.Movie SuperlativesMost Unbelievable - When Julie makes out with Jim mere hours after he's locked lips with a sex worker. I don't care how close to death you just were, you'd better wash him with a strong disinfectant first.Most Realistic - Brit guy v. American guy slapfight.