Ghost from the Machine
Ghost from the Machine
PG-13 | 01 January 2010 (USA)
Ghost from the Machine Trailers

Wildly grief-stricken over the accidental death of his parents, young techno-geek Cody (Sasha Andreev) cobbles together an electrical device that he hopes will bring the spirits of mom and dad back from beyond the grave. But the machine's power and Cody's deepening obsession threaten the safety of his only remaining family: his younger brother, James (Max Hauser). Matt Osterman directs this ghostly sci-fi thriller that also stars Matthew Feeney.

Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Rabh17 There are a number of reviews smashing this movie-- mostly due to unmet expectations of normal Hollywood Horror. Worse, some people may be expecting it to be a modern remake on a Lovecraftian idea of a Machine that could open a gate to the 'Beyond'. If you're expecting a 'Re-animator' clone-- it's NOT. It's totally different.It's a Ghost story that really runs like a Drama. And it's bareboned. It's done ENTIRELY without special effects. The 'Creep' is in the actors' situations alone. The Ghosts are a Dramatic Question...and the Question behind ALL Ghost stories is a Fundamental one posed: "Is it RIGHT for the Dead to come back to the Living?"It's Not about whether 'The Dead Hate the Living' or 'Evil Spirits being unleashed' or 'Curses from beyond the Grave'This movie is about what happens if you refuse to Let go. What happens if you actually bring the Dead Back into your Life when the World has already closed the books on their Lives.A young man loses his parents, and seeks to undo their Deaths by bringing them back with a machine. But the World and Life really has no place or order for things that 'Should not be'. Bad things will happen.Not Supernatural Bad Things...Just Inadvertent things. Unpleasant things. Irrevocable things.As an indie/Non-Hollywood effort-- this one gets a solid round of applause from me. The acting was decent and heartfelt. And the timing was good with tension and build-up. And the ending was a solid moral stamp: You can't change What Was.This is an intelligent indie/drama flick is good for a late, rainy weekend afternoon. And if you like's also a Girl-friend Test.
jcorty28 Ghost From the Machine is an original and ultimately heartbreaking ghost story. Subtle and nuanced, the film tells the story of an afflicted young man who's bound and determined to reach and bring back his parents from 'the other side' at the expense of maintaining personal relationships. You hope he achieves his singular purpose because if not, he stands to lose a lot. After many trials and some success, he learns a difficult lesson in that no one is meant to ever come back.The film itself is a more character based film than pure horror. Sure, it has its scares and genuinely creepy moments, but it's the focus on the characters which really drives the film. When I stated that it's subtle and nuanced, I meant it is in such away that it never really force feeds you the 'why' of Cody being so single minded. You just know that he is extremely grief stricken and in some way, feels responsible for what happened. The same with our widowed tech geek. You never really know the ins and outs of his relationship with his wife. You just know that she was the love of his life. The horror elements are balanced carefully with our character driven moments and the filmmaker pulled off this balancing act exceptionally well. Had he not done so, the ending would not have packed as much of an emotional of a punch as needed. Truly not a made for Hollywood ending.Check this one out if you like more emotionally engrossing films that are thought provoking but also terrifying. It sounds like an oxymoron but this is one horror film that is truly different.
jamester05 The first quarter of the film shows great promise. But quickly the film turns into a complete slop fest of awkward (can't look at the screen) acting, amateur screen writing (the film has no solid path/direction), and strange musical transitions.The good:The Idea - Some of the acting - CinematographyThe Bad: - Everything else.The above reviews are completely misleading. There are so many obscure scenes in this film that take away from the solid premise. This could have been an AMAZING low budget horror film. A rewrite of the script, some better onset acting coaches, and you might just have yourself a killer of a film. Watch this: With a bottle of wine and some friends. Know what you are getting into, and you'll have a good time.C+
Adam Cuttler Have you ever stood completely still in your house and felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, or felt a sudden burst of chilled air in an otherwise warm room? Maybe what you are feeling isn't just a random altering of sensations, but rather a supernatural occurrence correlating to electronic emissions in power lines in and around your house.Now, what would happen if say, you were an expert electrician whose knowledge of all things electrical is equaled only by your passion to resurrect your recently deceased parents by means of something resembling a large home stereo? You don't need a degree in electrical engineering to know that going against nature or bringing back something – especially through the use of science – you're not supposed to will and can only end badly. Lest we forget the lessons learned in Jurassic Park? Speaking of Spielberg's dinosaurs, it's no spoiler to say that director Matt Osterman's Phasma Ex-Machina doesn't have a T-Rex, a high speed chase, or even Jeff Goldblum for that matter. But what this film does have is an original ghost story script with just enough menacing moments to leave you with an eerie creeped out feeling when all is said and done. It also has a refreshing and more true-to-life (even in the supernatural realm in which it lives) ending seldom seen in bigger budgeted more conventionalized Hollywood type films. It would be interesting to see what this young filmmaker could do if given a bigger budget. I for one am looking forward to seeing what else he has to offer.