Getting Away with Murder
Getting Away with Murder
R | 12 April 1996 (USA)
Getting Away with Murder Trailers

When the very moralistic college ethics instructor Jack Lambert finds himself living next door to an accused German death camp commander, he takes it upon himself to rid the world of this man.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Ankhoryt Penny Marshall produced this? Harvey Miller, who wrote "Private Benjamin," wrote this? Lemmon, Aykroyd, Hunt, and the incomparable LILY TOMLIN agreed to work on it? Tasteless, unfunny, painful to watch.Whatever moral point they were trying to make, and whatever humor they were trying to achieve, this film just... just hurt. Hurt my eyes, and hurt the reputations of all involved.I'm embarrassed for all involved, and chagrined that I felt I had to watch to the end, to justify writing a review to warn others. Fifteen minutes would have been more than enough.
JDono Picked this up at Hollywood Video for four obvious reasons: Aykroyd, Tomlin, Lemmon, and the always lovely Bonnie Hunt. But holy cow, what a waste of talent. Lemmon is given nothing to do, Hunt's role is superfluous, and Tomlin's role isn't funny. Aykroyd is in virtually every scene, but since the writers didn't bother coming up with anything funny for him, he becomes tiresome after about fifteen minutes.I have no idea why this movie was made.
gridoon This is a rather mild and forgettable comedy, but I think it deserves a **1/2 rating, if only because it dares to deal with some ambiguous subjects (like vigilantism) without become overly moralizing. The viewer is allowed to think (or not think, if he does not wish to) for himself. It's not a funny movie, I'll grant you that, and Jack Lemmon is thoroughly wasted, but it's an interesting one nonetheless.
janus I found this movie not as bad as everybody says it is. I think its pretty entertaining. I really liked the plot of the film.