| 28 May 1953 (USA)
Genevieve Trailers

Two friends driving in the London to Brighton vintage car rally bet on which of them will be the first to arrive back home.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
bkoganbing Most people in the United Kingdom would probably know second leads Kenneth More and Kay Kendall today than they would John Gregson and Dinah Sheridan. But all four pitch in and make Genevieve as delightful and refreshing a comedy today as it was in 1953 when it came out.The married Gregson and free spirit More are best of friends with a shared interest in antique cars. But every year that friendship goes under an extreme strain when there's an antique car rally and people with those old vehicles. Sheridan who is married to Gregson surrenders a bit unwillingly every year to the obsession that overtakes her husband.If this film had been made in America, Jack Carson would have been perfect casting for More's role. He's an amiable blowhard with a different woman every few months and this month's flavor is Kay Kendall.The rally is not a race it's just a bunch of folks who own these cars and drive them en masse from London to Brighton and back. But Gregson and More make it a race between themselves and there's a bet on as well. In America we would say racing for pink slips and in Gregson's case what's at stake is his beloved vehicle Genevieve.The trip with both of them and what happens to these antique cars has loads of laughs in it. That's ratcheted up exponentially during the climax as both cars are just returning to London and shall we say showing their age.Kay Kendall's best moment is at a nightclub where she's totally blotto and wants to play the trumpet. I'm sure it was dubbed, but sure enough a swinging version of the old ballad Genevieve is blown by Kendall. She's her usual marvelous self.It's over 60 years since Genevieve came out. I wonder if that rally is still held and what is considered an antique now. This film certainly isn't.
ianlouisiana Ambrose Claverhouse is the archetypal Kenneth More part.He's like Jeremy Clarkson without the malice.A 30 - something fairly innocent little boy obsessed with sex and motor - cars in no particular order.Some people have taken exception to the fact that he and his pals are quite posh,well,yes he's middle class,but his twin obsessions are shared by many working class blokes.Perhaps it's all right for Darren from Dagenham to be a petrolhead ladies man but not Charles from Chelsea - but that's the Brits for you ,most of us are snobs of one kind or the other. Driving back from Brighton last weekend I got caught up in the last stages of the Veteran Car Club Rally near the "Black Lion" at Patcham and in a Proustian moment the sweet,silly and ultimately rather sad memories of "Genevieve" swept over me so completely I had to pull up at the side of the road. It is a completely frivolous movie that nobody thought for a moment was going to be any more than a colourful bit of froth to brighten the lives of England's austerity - blighted movielovers. But somehow the basic good nature and decentness of Messrs More and Gregson,the determination and spirit of Mesdames Sheridan and Kendal combined to create an alchemy that spelled gold at the 1955 Box Office and created a legend that has lasted over half a century. Perhaps not appealing to 21st century eyes for it's unfailing cheeriness and good humour,there is not an ounce of meanness or cynicism in it. Clearly such innocence cannot be allowed to have ever existed. Well,I'm here to tell you it did. In real life the VCC Rally is one way,London to Brighton.For the movie Mr More and Mr Gregson turned the return journey into a race with,ultimately,"Genevieve" herself as the prize.In one of the great scenes in British cinema Mr Gregson within sight of the finishing line in "Genevieve" is hailed by an elderly gentleman who proceeds to tell him how he courted his wife fifty years earlier in just such a car. Mr Arthur Wontner only has a few lines but his old - time charm and courtesy are absolutely captivating.Mr Gregson listens patiently to his reminiscences as Mr More goes driving gaily past apparently to win the race but in fact he gets stuck in the tramlines and is whisked away at the last second,the prize slipping from his unbelieving hands. Certainly the world has changed since this picture was made.I'll leave it to you to decide whether it is for the better or not.
movingpicturegal Fifties Britain and time for the Veteran Car Club's annual run from London to Brighton and back. We meet Alan, a man who spends most of his free time tinkering with "Genevieve", his 1904 antique car - and his wife Wendy, she is completely bored by the annual run but goes nevertheless, this year spurred on by a fancy new hat. Their friend is a man named Ambrose who brings along a "model" and her huge dog for this year's trip. The two men then spend most of the time in a rivalry over getting to Brighton first, jeering at each other over car breakdowns and the like, while the two women are pretty much being dragged along for the ride. Then they actually get into a road race against each other on the return trip to London, backed by a 100 pound bet to see who gets back first!This film is a fun romp, fast-paced, with well done performances by all. It includes lots to satisfy the Anglophile in me, like cute British expressions such as "good luck, Old Spot", "beastly", and "jolly good", plus interesting on-location photography in London, Brighton, and the English countryside. There are some quite amusing scenes when the couple ends up in this hotel in Brighton, with an odd set of rules regarding the hot water and the like, plus a really horrible room! My only complaint is the constant car mishaps seen in this left me feeling slightly more frustrated than amused. Still, this is a very enjoyable, well-done movie, filmed in bright, beautiful Technicolor, and featuring an excellent harmonica music score that gives the film a nostalgic charm all it's own. Well done!
molo-1 Beyond the marvelous cars, the jokes and banter between the couples and the quirky soundtrack, it's the moment of genuine and somewhat surprising kindness of the lead actor in the story which really sets this gentle comedy apart. Without Allan's reaction to the old gentleman who admires his car, the movie would otherwise be a one note comedy with jokes and rather nice scenery. The poignancy of the gesture however, allows Allan to quietly and magnificently overcome his obsessiveness, which though amusing at times is also wearing. This, along with the beauty of the English countryside, a component as important as the characters themselves, makes this movie an absolute charmer. The final shot replete with damp mist and fog added the ultimate British ambiance to its delightful conclusion.