Gen-X Cops
Gen-X Cops
R | 18 June 1999 (USA)
Gen-X Cops Trailers

Four young officers of the Hong Kong Police are joined together to fight against organised crime using all possible means, even if this would lead them to break the law… Their first assignment is to eliminate a gang of criminals who have stolen a shipload of explosives.

Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Leofwine_draca GEN X COPS is one of those popular youth-centred action movies that were made throughout the 2000s in Hong Kong: films like TOKYO RAIDERS and INVISIBLE TARGET, ensemble features featuring casts of good-looking young actors handling guns and martial arts with aplomb. More often than not, director Benny Chan was at the helm of these productions, and even NEW POLICE STORY, with its storyline of a young, disillusioned cop-killing gang, sometimes felt as if Jackie Chan was past it and extraneous to the central plot. GEN X COPS is one of Benny Chan's earlier offerings, made as a follow-up to his more traditional Jackie Chan vehicle WHO AM I?, and it turns out to be a lot of fun.The somewhat complex storyline sees a comedic cop (played to the hilt by the ever-reliable Eric Tsang) assembling a team of rookie cops to go undercover in the Hong Kong underworld and track down some missing weapons. Said cops are a rebellious, fun-loving bunch, presided over by the ubiquitous Nicholas Tse, and their subsequent thrills and spills are directed with aplomb.GEN X COPS is all about life and vitality (despite the killing) and despite the familiarity of the proceedings, it gets by on sheer energy alone. The various action sequences are well handled and the film features one of the most impressive explosions I've witnessed in a while. The icing on the cake is, of course, Daniel Wu, playing a bad guy with a lot more depth than you'd expect from a testosterone-fuelled production like this, but don't go in looking for Jackie; his presence amounts to a 30-second cameo, if that.
southpark835 This movie was so good :) i loved the parachute scene i cant think of anything bad about it :D they had everything in it, action and comedy. Everyone deserves to watch this. I also like the ending where the leisure center blows up and the gen X cops are on speedboats its probably one of the best films I've seen.It also had some amazing kung fu and fast paced action what was really good. I hope this movie gets more attention and a higher star rating because the acting and stunts and kung fu where the best. Acting 10/10 Humor 7/10 Kung fu 10/10overall 9.3/10I loved the idea of getting skydivers in this film because they make it more tense and add a lot of good feeling to it.Mike D.
kontkommer sit back, cease all brain activity and just enjoy this amusing movie.. it won't win an oscar and the story makes little sense but it has some funny moments and the action is pretty cool.. i rate it 7/10
Dave Thomas One problem with recent HK action films is that it seems to be impossible to find male leads that aren't also teenybopper pop stars. Imagine a police thriller starring N-sync and you'll start to get the idea of how bad this film is. Basically the plot follows a cop who is the laughing stock of the force (a stupendously awful performance from Eric Tsang) who recruits three police academy dropouts (Nic Tse, Stephen Fung and Sam Lee) to infiltrate a group of hip ‘n' trendy young Triads. The big question must be how the trio ever got into the academy in the first place since they act like 11-year old schoolboys after their first beer. By the end of the movie they've got in with the Triads, had some fights and saved the day, but by that point nobody really cares. The only reason to watch right to the end is (a) a big explosion from the Independence Day effects team and (b) a Jackie Chan cameo.Really this movie sums up the problem with many modern HK films. It's too American-style, and puts too much emphasis on pretty-boy hair-farmers with the acting talent and martial arts ability of Mariah Carey. The performances are pitiful. The action scenes are a joke. Only Francis Ng, a criminally underused Daniel Wu and Toru Nakamura as the Triad gang leaders come off with any dignity. And if you think this sounds bad, the sequel, Gen-Y Cops, is a million times worse.3/10
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