Funny Games
Funny Games
R | 11 September 1997 (USA)
Funny Games Trailers

Two psychotic young men take a mother, father, and son hostage in their vacation cabin and force them to play sadistic "games" with one another for their own amusement.

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
FrogGlace In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
durkopeter1996 I think that says it all. Not enough that the movie makes ABSOLUTELY no sense, it also gets you frustrated and angry. Without ANY REASON.I didn't just lose 2 hours of my life that i'm never getting back, I also lose a lot of my brain cells in the process. I have to spit thinking about this movie...
hdzenis They did a great job regarding the psychotic scenario they ware aiming at, but believe me when I say, don't watch this movie if you don't have a strong stomach. It's not for everybody. On the other hand, if you truly like weird, wicked, and disturbed kinda movies, I would recommend it. It's a realistic visualization of a psycho home invasion all the way to detail.
Onur Gül First of all, the film has an excellent critique of violence. There are many things in the movie that can disturb the spectator. This should be the goal in the film. Punishing for the preferences of the audiences. The theme of violence is really making a spectacular presentation of the spectator. The use of a particular costume by the violent team may bring A Clockwork Orange to mind. Maybe this can be inspired by the production. But it's definitely a whole different movie. There are many things in the movie that characterize the audience as a movie. Especially the main characters talk to the audience constantly and the control scene in the final is a good example of this. In the film, the audiences who desire the salvation of the family since the beginning, the control scene may ruin. Also at the beginning of the film, the blade in the boat appeared later, referring to the last minute surprises in Hollywood movies. The biggest event in the film might be to use violence without showing. Maybe the violence in the film is outside the frame, but it can affect it much more than the films that make it into show. The film explains that there is actually no reason for the violence, and this is a simple game. It's quite annoying, but it's also a surprising and thought-provoking film. In my opinion, the director intended to make the violence common by communicating with the audience in the film. In this case the director has done a great job of making the spectator empathize. The film looks like a very simple perverse side neighbor story but does not have a happy ending guarantee like in Holllywood-made movies. For example, Disturbia 2007 or Fright Night 2011. There is hope in the film for a happy ending but the director never gives it to the audience. This makes the film different. Especially the control scene, it seemed like there would not be an ending as you want the audience. One of the most influential scenes in the film is the scene where the family's child died. A television screen covered with blood, an ongoing car race on television, and the blood of the child we have not even seen, show us one of the greatest emanations of real life violence. In addition, there is criticism of the stereotypes through the use of metal music and handsome killers which are always used in such films. I think the main idea in the film is to be careful that the white color can not always symbolize the goodness of innocence. This event reminded me of A Clockwork Orange movie. The film is full of great criticism from start to finish about the needlessness of violence. In addition to that, I can say that these lines from the film explain unnecessary violence perfectly for me; George: Why are you doing this? Peter: Why not? The film is dealing with the viewer and the film never gives the final that the viewer wants. People who have been exposed to classic Hollywood productions that we call audience. To sum up, Haneke shows us the antithesis of classic thriller films. End overall, the film is a masterpiece of Michael Haneke's criticism of violence and Hollywood stereotypes.
eagandersongil "The funny games" is a punch in the stomach, and we deserve it, it is to believe it will be just another one of those horror clichés filmezinhos family goes to home away from home, is a psychopath ... no, not here, the great director michael Haneke wants you to take, here we see a family being tortured physically and psychologically for anything, this family is our reflection to junk consumismos because the film is a paradox, it really is like a movie, complete with breaks and scenes of setbacks, including the breaking of the fourth wall, and who is watching this movie? us and the family. It is a brilliant critique, including the most important scene in the film, the first camera angle is to show the TV bloody, Haneke is very symbolic, complex and intelligent in his criticism because he does not want to criticize for you to forget here the 1 week, no, Haneke puts heavy scenes, though not explicit, but they need not be explicit, because you will not forget the film so soon. Technically the film is very good, with clear references to mechanical orange, Haneke tries to build DeLarge Alexander 90s, he can not, but Peter is a spectacular character, he breaks the fourth wall, it handles the film handles peter and handles They, in fact, all the performances are great, with an extremely clean photo and a sensational soundtrack, showing classical music and counterpoint with Heavy Metal. Here we have a remarkable quality film with a very intelligent and technically very effective criticism, it is worth taking that punch in the stomach.